Part 8

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Was there anything more delectable than a man in a crisp black shirt and trousers? she wondered to herself as they walked through Plaza Catalunya.

They decided on gelato, and she knew just the spot, which was a gelateria from Rome itself.

"So, you're pretty familiar with this city." he looked at her impressed by her navigation skills. 

Unlike most tourists with phone maps held up, she took every turn with confidence. 

"Yea, I come in the summers and work remotely here. Something about the beach being close by but with the city life as well. The close proximity makes it paradise -- well to me anyway." she smiled. 

"Ah, so you like to make the place you travel into your temporary home." 

"Exactly that. I think I have the luxury of time and exploring everything at my own pace. Compared to most that need to squeeze in itineraries. Eventually when I'm done seeing everything, I then play the game of, what would it be if I lived here." she laughed.

He stared at her in wonder "That's simply amazing."

"Thank you. I proudly get to say I've got some favorite coffee shops in certain countries that will welcome me back with open arms as I've poured most of my coin to their establishments."

"Well, I'm sure you're a stellar person and hard to forget too." Mickey warmed at that compliment.

When they finally got to the Gelateria, they took their time tasting flavors, and she was set on pistachio and he took belgian chocolate. 

This time, Mickey was impressed with his Spanish fluency. As they left the shop she said "First off, your Spanish is... beautiful. I could listen to you all night." self control left her at that moment, because that comment was meant to be contained in her mind. 

Ryan did not miss a beat and said "I'll be sure to remember that. But my mother is from Valencia. Her side of the family growing up primarily spoke it, so my brothers and I adapted fairly well."

"Very nice, so you must have explored quite a bit of Spain if that's the case."

"Sure, we did come back for summer holidays and covered quite a bit. From Mallorca to other smaller islands, and also the North of Spain. I'd be happy to share notes, anytime you want them." he smiled at her.

They continued chatting effortlessly and made their way to the beach. Allowing her to finish her ice cream, he bravely pulled her close to him by her waist, and she allowed him to. They sat on a bench by the beach, and he protectively put his arm around her as they enjoyed the breeze.

The W hotel glistened in the background, and planes flew in from the distance.

"I kind of have a confession to make." he said out of the blue.

She turned up to look at him and found him a little nervous. "What's up?" she said cautiously.

"I think we were on the same flight. No, I'm sure we were on the same flight, and when I saw you at the hotel lobby, I pretty much thought it was too good to be true. I thought, you were the prettiest woman I'd ever seen." he took in her expression which seemed to be processing everything intently. 

From deep concentration to something that resembled awe which caused her to blush profusely, and she finally smiled "Well Ryan, I saw you on our flight, and wished I had something other than my pajamas on. I thought there's no way a handsome fella like yourself would notice me."

They both laughed and enjoyed the moment. Slowly making their way back to the hotel, as they walked into the lively Barcelona night. Hushed whispers, and stolen smiles at each other.

Ryan was trying not to let her exposed shoulders distract him. She was wearing a bandana top that exposed very strong shoulders. Working out was part of her lifestyle and he liked that she was oblivious to the stares she was receiving.

"The boys and I have an early flight tomorrow." he started to say, once again feeling nervous on how she would react to what he was going to say.

"We're leaving late morning, just taking it easy since before carnage." she chuckled.

"Listen. I know, it's your birthday and you've planned things out. I don't know what your plans are post-Ibiza, but I just know I'd like to spend time with you over there. When you have time of course." he said sheepishly.

"I wondered if you'd ask." she leaned into him.

Typically enough, they were in a secluded area which allowed him to grab her gently and kiss her deeply. His hands wandered around her waist and cautiously on her butt. She sighed with content and deepend the kiss, which he took as a good sign. 

Her palms were feeling his strong chest, slowly trailing them up and down. Soon one hand was buried in his luscious hair.

Running luck was on their side, because nobody bothered them, so they really enjoyed being 17 again and making out like their life depended on it. The only reason they pulled apart was because they needed air.

"Whewww" Mickey said fanning herself.

Ryan burst out laughing at how non-chalant she was, with him and kissed her forehead.

More kisses were desperately given at the front of her hotel room. 

"Pretty sure I've bruised your lips, but I also just can't get enough." he laughed huskily.

"You're not afraid to compliment aren't you." she said in wonder. In the short span of time they've spent together, Ryan had complimented her genuinely in so many ways. 

"I've learned that appreciating people loudly is pretty underrated. Striving to do it more." he smiled warmly and she could not help but still feel he was a dream.

She kissed his cheek and gave him one more kiss. "That will have to be it for now. Text me when you get there, and we'll figure it out." 

Ryan all but panicked that he'd not see her again. The anxiety in him so desperately wanted to set the time and place right away, to just know she would be coming. But he decided not to, since he didn't want to ruin her plans. Plus, he was not sure the boys would be alright if he did invite her along.

"Sure Mickayla, don't be blocking me now." he joked.

QUICKIE 1: "Through the crowd" An IBIZA Love storyUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum