Part 13

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She slammed the front door to the apartment harder than necessary. By doing that, she got Marcous's attention.

"You look like you've just seen death. Did something happen?" he thought she was just drunk and the door had slipped. 

But she looked distraught and he immediately grabbed her hands and started to assess if she had any bruises.

" Mickey, did he do something do you? Are you hurt?"

That snapped her back to reality. The implication that he may have hit her seemed pretty absurd. 

" When you put it that way guess it does not seem like the end of the world." she sighed.

The silence carried on for a while and they sat comfortably in it. He even got up to get a glass of water and brought it back to her.

"He's pretty much a major investor for the project I'm working on. So in a way, he is definitely my boss. It freaked me out to realize how big of a dude he is. You can pull up Google to understand why I'm freaking out." she gulped her water.

You didn't need to tell Marcous to Google a celebrity twice. The silence filled between them as he viciously scrolled through Google and Forbes and every other article there was on cyber security advances. 

His face was plastered all over it, smiling handsomely as he shook hands with the most famous people. Yet, you'd never be able to tell how humble he was when you first met him. 

"So, a really outstanding guy who happens to have a lot of money is interested in you. I understand the freak out that he's SORT of your boss. Is there anywhere in your contract that says specifically you're not to be fraternizing with the investor?" he asked her upfront.

"Come on, you know it's not that easy even if it's not listed on there." she rolled her eyes.

Marcous sat up straighter and spoke to her in a voice so deep she forgot he was gay "Cut the crap Mickey, time to air your insecurities out loud with me before you lose out on a great guy. Spit it out word for word, why you're freaking out."

Her chest was tight and her throat was slightly closed up as a response to her shame about how she was feeling. 

"I... guess sure, work is a concern. But.. I feel like I'm probably not worthy of him? I'm just.. me a small speck of nothing. I'm afraid if I get on that damn boat tomorrow, I'm going to be hurt regardless of the attention I'm getting from him at the moment."

"You're going to have to quickly realize that you've been way too humble for years now. Time to let a real man show you some attention you deserve honey. Remember how you've even got to this moment and fucking trip."

It's true, unknowingly while she burned the hours of building her very own career and empire, she learned never to brag. To always learn from others without fear of looking like a fool. 

Her self-talk was often harsh and urged her to do more when she had already reached such a high in her life. That in turn caused her not to stop and realize the boss she was. 

"Would you come with?" she asked hopefully

"Of course I will. I'll be making sure to shove you on the yacht who else would do that?"

He retreated to his room after they spoke more about how to handle tomorrow and Mickey agreed that she would take it one step at a time and go with the flow.

She'd speak to Ryan about work even though she had a feeling that he had already thought about it, which she was interested in having. 

As she laid in bed, she could not help but wonder what the hell was going through his mind. Was he nervous at all?

Ryan was shitting himself. He knew he had to get it out of the way and what the risk would be telling her. It was definitely a smaller risk to take instead of leading her all the way through the trip with no clue.

Especially when his plan was to make her his and he was going to shoot all the shots till it was absolutely clear he wanted more from her. 

QUICKIE 1: "Through the crowd" An IBIZA Love storyWhere stories live. Discover now