Part 10

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When it came to partying, Spain had its own set of rules unlike most parts of the world she had been to. 

"It's going to be a marathon to keep being up at 7 am every day." Marcous looked worried.

"My game plan is to nap between 3 pm to 7 pm at the latest. It's way too hot to do anything else anyway." Mickey shrugged.

The main acts at the club did not come out till 3 am, which is why everything ended at 7 am.

It was currently 10 pm and they were sat in front of the huge TV with the sliding doors pulled open, to allow the sounds of the street to drift up.

"You know, Ryan apparently put our names down on a list. I've got the confirmation. He said we could join them whenever we get tired of doing our thing." she said nonchalantly.

"Excusme Ryan told you this when?" he said surprised.

"Oh yeah, when you had run out, he called me and we talked for a bit."

"Oh, he's into you. He's so into you. You know that right?" he said in awe

Mickey smiled "I don't want to think too much of it. Let's think outside of the holiday bubble here. There's a high chance that I'm not seeing this guy ever again. I'm enjoying the connection, and that gorgeous fucking face of his."

"You're humble and that's why he probably keeps coming back for more honey. You deserve it. It's not just a holiday bubble, you just got someone who knows how to appreciate your magic."

"I adore you. Thank you. So I told him I'd check it out with you, and keep him posted when we were there."

"Perfect. I'll be the best wingman ever. Not that this will be difficult."

Ryan at the boys had ventured off the yacht and headed to dinner. They were a good-looking group of boys and they didn't seem to realize it. 

At their dinner, Ryan carefully broke it to them about the invite. "So, I hope this doesn't dampen the mood, but I invited Mickayla and her friend to join us if they wanted to."

Dan cheekily smiled " Ayo! That's our boy, making moves."

"Making waves tonight Ryboy?"

"That's the worst thing you've said. The worst." Ryan pouted as the rest of them howled with laughter.

He didn't know what his plans were, just that he wanted to have that pretty little fox next to his side.

"If you're worried we think it would be weird or offended, you should know better," Parker said knowing his friend.

"Dude, if it goes well, have her come with us on our little adventures. Also, if you needed a reminder, it's your damn boat. You're THE man." Dan jabbed at him.

"I'm not going with the yacht card out the bat. That'll send her the other way."

"Yea... Monica didn't give a damn about what was in the bank. She thought I was the least attractive piece of shit when I attempted to act that way in the beginning. Not like the rest, and that's how I knew."

Ryan lifted up his glass to a toast "Here's to.... just knowing."

Amen! The group followed.

QUICKIE 1: "Through the crowd" An IBIZA Love storyWhere stories live. Discover now