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We heard footsteps coming to our table all of us sighed we all wanted to just exist for once but nooo we just had to be apart of some drama.

Issys PoV

I sighed taking a bite of my food the footsteps stopped feeling a hand on my hood pulling me up. I felt the air in my throat go I glared at whoever it was.

And of course it was Josh.

"What made you think that you could send someone to ruin my jacket?!"

I grew confused the fuck did he mean "send someone".

He then pushed me his group dragging me outside. That's when Daisy and mina got up they both knew I could defend myself but at a point it was my limit.I may not be the strongest in the group but I did do kick boxing when I was younger. But when daisy is mad you could easily get intimidated.
Mina also with one glare people can get scared she hits people with no hesitation she's good at arguments she has all the blackmail you need.

Daisy was the tallest so she can look threatening she quickly rushed after them mina following behind.


To much shit happened at the end. All of us may have gotten injured but we didn't have to take days off. There was one thing we noticed mina was acting off. She get hugging her chest yes we could be worrying to much but we are her friends.
In the end she could just be uncomfortable and there's nothing to worry about.

We decided to go to my house but mina sadly declined saying she was busy.

When me and daisy got to my house we rushed to my room crashing on the soft blankets.

In the end me and daisys eyes slowly closed getting more relaxed.

Drifting off to the sleep world....


(You thought this chapter was done little angst with a character quite obvious who^^)

Minas PoV

I sighed opening the door to my house I said hi to my mom quickly going upstairs arms wrapped around my stomach. Of course I had to lie to my friends honestly I hated people pitying me It felt like I was a young girl all over again. Sighing I blinked my tears away I had thought to deep that I gotten to the end of my thoughts.

Deciding to get changed I got myself into a cozy hoodie and trousers first checking my stomach to see if a bruise was going to show up. Turns out the bruise was that that massive but a noticeable one. Clenching my fists imprinting crescent moons on my palm.





It just had to be me

God really hates me.

I feel so alone.

I feel forgotten

Why can't there be one person to care for me.

It's obvious everyone hates me even them two

Why even try to be friends with me in nothing a useless mistake.

Being so deep in my thoughts I drifted off to sleep.


A little vent at the end
I felt that I needed to vent to someone but I couldn't build myself to do that myself so I decided to put it in this book^^

I hope you enjoy this chapter:)))

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