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Back when they were in high school Mina and Issy have a private conversation. It was just and Issy's relationship with Josh but Issy would still never forget about that memory



The black haired girls eyes flicked to the door seeing where the light was coming from. She shifted uncomfortably in her seat folding her arms. She replied with a nod seeming not to talk. The brown-eyed girl who was at the door unconsciously shut the door taking a seat next to the lonely girl. Issy was confused herself when she noticed what she was doing but she did have an urge to rant about someone.

Yes she did remember the argument but I wanted to forget about it after a few days of crying.

Hearing a sigh from the latter next to her Issy's head turned to her. About to open her mouth to speak she was shut down the other started to talk first.

Issy's PoV
Mina's PoV
Nobody's PoV

I sighed slightly annoyed she came in here it wasn't because I broke friendship with her but it was because my peace and quiet was disturbed.

Noticing her looking at me I decided to speak up.

"What do you want Issy? Thought we weren't talking anymore."

"I don't know really..I feel the need to...rant?"

The latter hummed seeming to understand.

"Alright. Go ahead."

I knew she could keep her secrets since i ranted to her multiple times so i got used to it.

"I'm...exhausted to be honest. Feeling so much emotions at the same time is just weird and scary. Like one time I'm sad then I'm all giddy. Now that I have a boyfriend i only have to hang out with his friends mostly. I can't even catch a break because I haven't done any work because of Josh. I just don't want to tell all of this to him.."

I sighed hugging my knees burying my head against them.

"All I'm saying is don't let him control everything. You're not a puppet so don't let him toss you around like a used doll. Remember that you have your own life and own voice. I'm saying this because you need to rely on yourself more than others at some times..that's all I'm saying so. Use it when you need to."

I then feel an arm wrap around me. Pulling me in closer she may be touch starved as she says but she was truly a good comforter. I leaned into her touch latching myself onto her letting the bottle shatter.


(I got inspired by a conversation I had at school before so Yh plus i was bored and I had to write like 3 or two chapters today because I haven't wrote any for my new book🤥)

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