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⚠️Angst ahead!

(Play the song on loop it will be better:)

Maybe it was just me but it felt like I was slowly losing my friends from hanging out with Josh and his friends. I didn't want to tell Josh since I didn't want to ruin our relationship. But it kept keeping me on edge I didn't even have time to check up on them two because in class I always had to sit next to Josh from now on because we are dating. And in lunch I sat at his table and none of them wanted to sit with them.

I decided to just leave it alone wanting to live my life at the fullest and not worry.

Big mistake.

Not only did I get into many arguments with my family , friends and boyfriend. But I was always targeted by Josh's fangirls it was never ending. I'm not sure how my friendship with daisy and mina will work. I have this feeling that we will soon fall out because of this. If only I trusted my gut.....

It keeps repeating every days eat sleep study and arguments. None of them got serious but it would change one day. I'm just not sure when..

I hated this feeling but it was earth and we are humans it was born to be from the start.


I was correct.

The argument happened.

Just not how I expected it would turn out.

It didn't turn physical but a friendship was broken.

Some would say one didn't wouldn't regret it or one would say they had no choice.

I couldn't control the chances of the situation.

When I checked my phone they both blocked me on everything just didn't delete my contact.

I wouldn't want explain it into detail but let's just say I didn't see how the whole situation would turn out.

Hatred was radiating off them like you can see the different shades of red glowing around them. One was just more faded and not to much. But the other was full in rage the colours were muted and dull but so hard that you can go blind.

What did I do to deserve this?

It was a dumb question that I knew the answer to but you could always ask yourself why you might get a different answer at some point.


The argument.

We were all alone I decided to apologise to them and plan a hang out with them.

But it turned out the wrong way.

"You sure like hanging out with them more."

My eyes widened turning around seeing mina who had her arms crossed glaring at me and daisy her fists clenched.


"Oh don't act dumb we can see your smile get bigger and brighter every time you hang out with them. But it's the opposite with us like you force yourself to hang out with us for guilt and sorrow. You just can't bring yourself to ghost us like before..."

"What are you talking about...of course I love hanging out with you!"

They looked at me not pleased with that answer narrowing their eyes more.

"Oh really? Then explain this."

She got her phone out clicking in something first hearing multiple voices sounded like the cafeteria.

"Why aren't you hanging out with them two or not bring them to our table?"

"Sometimes I need peace and quiet there can be so annoying half the time that I don't even know why I hang out with them anymore. They really need more friends they get to attached that it's so awkward and annoying we never talk to each other anymore because they never talk about anything or just stay quiet like they want me to talk."

I stepped back.

"H-how the fuck did you get t-that-?!"

Panic grew over me yes I did say that but how did they record it!?

"You never pay attention do you? How didn't you notice someone record at that very table you were sitting at." The glint in the black haired eyes was ineffable.

"If you can't explain this friendship of yours that you so called hate will be over in a blink of an eye."
She threatened.

My vision was getting blurry from the tears that were building up I didn't want to let them spill. I didn't want to be seen as weak. I didn't want to get bullied like before. Why does god hate me so much.

Everything was slow the friendship bracelets that were on there wrist snapped minas hand dropped scissors in her hand putting them back in her inside pocket.

The beads fell bouncing in the puddles before sinking. Right then it started to rain heavily. Daisy soon started to walk away seeming to not wait for mina.

"Seeing that you're not answering our friendship is over. Don't even think about going back to us after Josh breaks your heart you're on your own after this."

She glared at me one more time before turning away walking away.

When they soon disappeared from my vision I dropped onto my knees my trousers getting wet. The tears fell gliding off my skin every time a tear fell another one rolled down.

The bubble popped all my sadness came out. This wasn't fair none of it was from the start.


(Hope you enjoy the angst😈)

A.N- I fixed some sentences for it to make sense

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