Chapter 3

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Surprisingly, telling the boys went much smoother than anticipated. While lots of questions were asked, there was none of the expected anger, at least not directed at me. I think of their reactions as we walk down to breakfast. Thankful to have friends that are willing to support me through this. As we get to the bottom of the stairs, making our way through the Entrance Hall, we find ourselves across from Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott, and Pansy Parkinson. Pansy wears her usual sneer, leaving me to assume that she hasn't been told the truth yet. Malfoy and Nott, though, stare me down.

Harry, who had been helping me down the stairs, tightens his arm around me. Hermione and Ron move in front of us as we continue toward the Great Hall. I avert my gaze from the Slytherins, looking at the floor as we walk.

"Cassandra." Theodore calls to me just before we reach the tall double doors. His voice seems strained. I stop moving, biting the inside of my cheek. Shaking off Harry's arm, I turn to face the trio. Pansy now has a look of confusion on her face, staring between Nott and I.

I take a moment to examine my long lost twin. His dark blue eyes match my own, as does his pale complexion, a smattering of freckles to be seen on his cheeks. While he has the same wavy texture in his hair, his is a dark brown color with a slight reddish tint. It surprises me how many similarities I find: our noses, our chins, even the way he stands. It's hard to believe that I had never noticed how much we look alike, and how opposite Hermione and I are.

"My name is Rosie." I finally say, meeting his gaze. His expression is pained, as if just looking at me hurts him.

"Please, Ca- Rosie. I just want to talk. Please." He takes a step forward, holding his hands palms out.

"She doesn't want to talk to you. Leave her alone." Ron speaks before I can answer, stepping forward to block me from view. I feel a hand take my arm, glancing at it I see Harry tugging me back toward the Great Hall.

"I believe Rosie can answer for herself, Weasel." The aristocratic drawl comes from Malfoy this time. Again, my eyes trail to the group. I see the blond looking at me expectantly. I look away, to Hermione, silently asking her what to do.

"It's up to you, Rose. He's your twin, you can talk to him if you'd like." She tells me quietly.

"You're my twin." I emphasize before turning toward Theodore once more. "Okay. Let's talk."

Malfoy looks victorious, Nott relieved, and Parkinson still confused. "Thank you. Um, there's an empty classroom at the end of the dungeon stairs." Theodore says, gesturing toward the downward staircase.

I nod before throwing a reassuring smile to my sister and friends. "I'll see you in a few." I gesture for Theodore to lead the way, following at a slower pace with a hand keeping pressure on my side. I take slow breaths as I take the stairs one at a time. At the bottom, he waits for me, holding open the door to the classroom.

"Are you okay?" Nott asks, brows furrowed in concern.

"I'm fine, just still recovering. Dolohov threw a hell of a curse at me." His eyes widen at the words, letting the door close behind us. I take a seat at one of the desks.

"There's all kinds of rumors flying around about the event at the Ministry and your stint in the Hospital Wing. You were cursed by Antonin Dolohov?"

"Yes. He tried to make my insides my outsides." I try to crack a joke. It only succeeds in causing the Slytherin to pale more. "I believe your father shielded me. That's probably the only reason I survived."

"When he wrote to me saying he found you, I almost couldn't believe him." He says, taking the seat next to me at the desk. "He wants to bring you home."

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