Chapter 16

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I shove away from the veela, unsteady on my feet. My wand is summoned from my hand before I can even think to raise it against him. I look up, still taking steps away from him as Draco lowers his hood. Platinum blond hair reveals itself alongside the molten silver eyes I know so well.

I don't stop moving until there are several yards between us, looking around for anything that can be used as a weapon. I find myself in the sitting room I awoke in so many months ago. Unless I plan to throw a pillow at my mate, there is nothing in here that will help me.

"What? No kiss for me? We've been apart for weeks, almost months now, darling." A familiar smirk curves Draco's lips. He waves my wand, his outer robe dissolving and revealing robes in his usual colors of grey and green. My eyes track my wand as it is tucked into an inner pocket of his robes. "Come now, we both know that I'd never hurt you. I'm not even physically capable of doing so."

I know very well that Draco isn't able to raise a hand against me, his veela wouldn't allow it. The only reason he was able to use such magic against me that night at Hogwarts is because his veela thought that he was keeping me safe , in a roundabout way. This thought does nothing to ease the fear coiling in my stomach.

"They'll know you took me. Fred and George will know where to find me." I flinch at the tremor in my voice, hating how the terror of my situation and the lightness in my heart of finally being in his presence once more wars within my chest.

The husky chuckle that escapes my betrothed's lips causes goosebumps to spread over my skin. "Will they really come to such realizations, Cassie?" I stumble backwards as he prowls toward me, attempting to place distance and furniture between us. "Amidst all the chaos? With everyone apparating away? Even your sister left. How long do you really think it will take everyone to realize that you didn't leave with Granger? Or for Granger to realize that you aren't with those blood traitors?"

I reach out to grip the back of an armchair, air leaving my lungs as the implications of his words hit their mark. Will anybody realize I'm gone? Will everyone assume I must have left with someone else? With Hermione or Harry or Pansy? Or even the twins? How long until someone puts together that I didn't escape with any of them?

I almost jump into the air as an arm encircles my waist, tugging me into a solid chest. Draco's other hand tangles into the hair at the nape of my neck, tucking my head under his chin. His nose buries itself into my hair, inhaling deeply.

"I cannot find the words to describe how much I've missed having you in my arms, my love. Despite how upset you've made me these past weeks, I can't bring myself to truly punish your insolence. Not when you've finally found your way back to me." I'm not able to force myself away from him, not when the anxiety that has been rooted in me since that wretched night is finally unraveling at his touch. I find a small amount of hatred for myself as I sink into his hold.

"Why did you do all this, Draco?" There's a hitch to my voice, making it obvious that tears aren't far from joining our conversation. "Why did you have to kill Dumbledore? Or take Theo? Or place a compulsion on my sister? Wasn't having me enough?"

There's silence for several moments, my ragged breath filling the space. Draco places a soft kiss on the crown of my head. Then, "You will always be more than enough for me, Cassandra. But why should I ever have to share you? Why should I leave removable obstacles in our way?"

An emotion between surprise and righteous anger unfurls within me. The tears that were so close to the surface a moment ago flow from my eyes as I wrench away from him once more. "I'm not just yours , Draconis. I'm mine as well. You can't just take my decisions away because you feel as if you know best!"

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