Chapter 12

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Summer term seems just as uneventful as the winter. Theo and I return to Hogwarts on the train, alongside our friends. Classes begin and the semester countdown to exams with them. Our professors seem adamant that we become just as aware of our impending tests as they are, assigning immense loads of homework. Study sessions in the library seem to take place a few times a week now, instead of just once.

In late January, early afternoon, I sit at our usual library table, Pansy and Luna on either side of me. Draco sits directly across from me, our feet entwined as we all work on our respective homework. From the left side of Draco, Theo lets out a drawn out groan.

"Must we really be here every other night? Exams are months away, we're not bloody Ravenclaws!" My brother slouches in his chair, running a hand down his face.

"Luna is." Blaise pipes in from Theo's other side, sitting at one head of the table. Said Ravenclaw beside me lets out an affirmative hum as she rotates the essay she's working on ninety degrees. The blonde begins doodling creatures in the margins of her parchment.

"Theo, I made our study schedule for a reason. If we start early and follow it, we'll ace all of our exams." I don't bother looking up from my arithmancy work as I repeat the explanation I've been providing him with for weeks. I'd actually edited a copy of the study schedule Hermione had made me this time last year for us to follow, but my twin didn't need that information.

"Your schedule leaves no room for fun." His words are drawn out in a whine. I sigh, finishing my sentence and setting down my quill.

"What would you like to do, brother mine?" One of my brows raises in exasperation.

Theodore sits up, excited at a change in routine. "We could go race on the quidditch pitch!"

I wrinkle my nose as Draco chuckles across from me, eyes still on his assignment as the toe of his shoe lightly rubs my leg under the table. "Good luck getting your sister on a broom, Nott."

"Oh come on, Cassie. I could teach you to ride properly and then you wouldn't be afraid anymore!" Theo widens his eyes and sticks his lip out in a pout. "Please?"

"Theo, I don't know..." His eyes go even wider if possible. "Godric, fine. Just stop looking at me like that!"

The brunet pumps his fist in the air, triumphant smile on his face. "Let's go!" He's on his feet and walking before I can blink.

"Theo, pack up your stuff!" I can't help laughing as I begin to load up my own supplies.

"Well, I have got to watch this." Blaise's voice is amused as he shoves his parchment away. "You lot coming? Luna?"

"Hm, it is fine weather to look for wandering figgigs." Luna's voice is far away as she caps her inkwell. "And they do favor the pitch's grass best to hide in. I suppose I'll join."

Pansy raises her eyebrows in confusion before shaking her head and packing up her essay. "I'm not missing out on Cassandra clinging to a broomstick in fear while she's only five feet off the ground." She teases. I scowl at her.

"I'm taller than five feet, I think I can handle that height." I stick my tongue out at my friend as I shoulder my bag, ignoring the snickered "Barely." from Blaise. I turn to my betrothed. "Draco?"

"I can't let Theodore be in charge of your safety, can I? He'll be eager to get you as high in the air as possible, my witch will just float away into the sky." The blond rolls his eyes with a smile as he follows the others' lead. He takes my bag as we leave the library, wrapping an arm around my waist and tugging me into his side.
Theo leads the way onto the grounds, as anxious as a first year. I try not to let my anxiety spike as he retrieves brooms from the shed at the pitch.

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