Chapter 10

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A week before we're to head home for Winter Break, I receive a summons from the headmaster. I came down to breakfast early, knowing that Draco had morning quidditch practice and would meet me in the Great Hall after he had a shower. As soon as I take my usual seat at the Slytherin table, a small strip of parchment appears beside my plate.


Please report to my office as soon as possible. We have much to discuss. I'm rather fond of Pumpkin Pasties at the moment.

A. Dumbledore

My breath catches at the implications of the note. I've always known that the headmaster would begin to enact his plan sooner or later. I let myself become too comfortable in my new life, thoughts of Dumbledore had simply begun to slip my mind as the months wore on.

With an irritated huff, I stand and grab my school bag. I better go ahead and get this confrontation over with. Dumbledore has hardly been around this term, so I haven't had the chance to confront him about my kidnapping, something I've yet to tell my family the full truth of yet.

The walk through the school is quiet, early morning sun filtering through the windows as I come to the gargoyle statue guarding the headmaster's office.

"Pumpkin Pasties." I state, adjusting the strap of my bag as I come to a stop in front of the stone structure. The gargoyle hops to the side, allowing me entry to the stairs. I walk up them slowly, a foreboding feeling trickling down my spine. I shiver from the nerves, knocking on the solid oak door at the top of the staircase.

"Enter, Rosalind." My eye twitches in annoyance as he addresses me so casually, and with the name he forced upon all those years ago. I take a deep breath and enter the office.

Dumbledore sits behind his desk, eyes twinkling as bright as ever. Trinkets and tools around the room whir and sputter and emit puffs of smoke. This is the first time I've ever entered the office. I take a moment to observe, eyes lingering on the large phoenix sat in its perch and gaze running over several of the moving portraits on the walls, former headmasters of Hogwarts.

"Please, take a seat, my girl." The elderly wizard motions to the cushy chair across from him. Reluctantly, I lower myself into it, crossing my ankles and placing my hands in my lap. "Lemon Drop?" A glass bowl is levitated to me, filled to the brim with yellow candies.

"No, thank you." I politely refuse with a small shake of my head. I take in the garish orange robes the old man has elected to wear today, so bright that they almost hurt my eyes, golden suns dot themselves over the shiny fabric.

"I haven't had a chance to check in with you since last term. How are you settling into your... situation?" He steeples his wrinkled hands as he peers at me over the top of his half moon spectacles.

"My situation?" Surprise colors my voice at the audacity the wizard has to act as if he's not responsible for the entire series of events. "You mean, how am I coping being reunited with the family you kidnapped me from 11 years ago?"

Dumbledore seems taken aback for a moment before his grandfatherly smile falls into place once more. "Rosalind, surely you must realize that I was only trying to give you a better, safer life than you had? You grew up much happier with the Grangers, and were safe away from the influences of certain other parties."

I grip the arms of the chair tightly, fingernails digging into the fabric. "You have no right to call me by that name or any other for that matter! You ripped me away from my parents and brother. I will always be grateful for Hermione, but now I will always wonder about all that I lost. All that you stole from me. I'll never even know my mother!"

"Rosa- Miss Nott, please, you must understand that everything I did was for the greater good."

"Who's good? Yours? Definitely not mine. Or Theo's, or Draco's, or my parents', or even Hermione's! You did all this so that you'd have a little spy to groom and mold to your liking." I get to my feet, fists clenched. I can feel my wand vibrating in my robe pocket from my overflowing magic, angry sparks pricking my skin. "Well, Albus, the joke's on you. I don't work for wizards who steal children. I'll never side with the Dark Lord, but I'll also never support you. My faith and trust lie with my family. That does not include you."

"Miss Nott!" I don't stop to listen to anymore of his drivel, stomping out of his office.

It's not until I'm halfway back to the Great Hall that I come back to myself. That was a disaster.


On the first night of Yule Break, laying in my bed at Nott Manor, that I realize how much I've changed in the past several months. If I had been told this time last year that I was the pureblood, twin sister of Theodore Nott, best friend of Pansy Parkinson, and betrothed to Draco Malfoy, I would have sent them to be seen by a mind healer at St. Mungos.

I've settled into this life without even realizing it. I was even excited to see Father at the train station today.


"Father!" I lunge at the wizard, wrapping my arms around him in greeting.

"Careful, Cassandra. You'll knock us both to the ground." Even at the warning, I can hear the amusement in his voice as he returns the tight embrace. "I've missed you, darling girl. You and your brother."

We release each other as Draco and Theo catch up to us, my trunk levitating behind them as they drag their own. Draco scowls at me.

"Cassandra, you can't just run off with no warning. What if something had happened?" His tone is sharp. I share a look with my twin, both of us rolling our eyes in tandem at the Veela's overprotectiveness.

"Draco, it was a straight shot from you to Father. I'm sure that you had eyes on me the entire time." The blond grumbles before moving to greet his own parents who stand beside my dad. Theo does the same.

"Alright, children. Let's get a move on. The elves will have dinner waiting for us." None of us dare to argue with Narcissa, falling in behind her and Lucius as we make our way to the floo.


I've exchanged letters with my father throughout the winter term, keeping him updated on the happenings of Hogwarts. We've both tried to get to know one another better and discover what the last decade stole from us.

The more I get to know him, the more I see the man I called "Daddy" in my childhood memories and not the Death Eater that hurled curses at me in the Department of Mysteries.

That I'm closer to Theo now than I am with Hermione is another shock. I was sure my sister would eventually come around, but it's as if I no longer exist to her. I've cried about it numerous times; Pansy, Theo, and Draco all falling victim to my tears. Mya and I have fought before, but we've never outright ignored the other.

Harry and Ron aren't much better. The only time they acknowledge me is to glare or sneer. My other friends, or former friends now, have seemed confused over the behavior but none have dared to cross the line the trio have drawn. Well, except for Luna. She's been the only one that hasn't treated me any differently. She's even been friendly with the other Slytherins. Blaise seems to have taken an extra interest in her, always inviting Luna to eat or hang out with us. His eyes shine when he looks at her, causing me to often wonder if he also has some sort of creature inheritance.

The only person Luna hasn't completely warmed to is Draco. They both avoid each other. Well, not exactly avoid but act as if the other isn't even there. The one time I asked Luna about it, she told me that Draco "releases the same vibrations as a wronged unicorn." She had then gone on to ramble about how, despite popular belief, unicorns are particularly vicious and possessive. With that description, I couldn't exactly disagree with her comparison.

My relationship with Draco has been the most surprising. After that day on the train, something changed between us. He's become the person I rely on; comforting and protecting me when needed and he always seems to put me first. I've never had someone care for me the way he does. With things between Hermione and I so rough, I can't imagine not having him to lean on. And he seems more than willing to be the person I depend on.

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