Chapter 6

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It was three days before I finally emerged from my room. I showered and dressed before finding myself walking down to breakfast. Standing in the doorway of the family dining room, I observe the manor's occupants taking their breakfast. Lucius is the first to notice me.

"Cassandra, it's good to see you up and about once more." The blond man nods to me. I offer my own nod in greeting, moving further into the room and taking my seat beside Theo.

It's barely seconds after I sit that my breakfast appears before me. Kerner's sunny side up eggs were always the best! I can't help but notice that there are four eggs instead of two, most likely a passive aggressive way of telling me that I needed to make up for missed meals. I take one of the two slices of toast on my plate, buttering it.

My father clears his throat. "I hope you're feeling better, Cassandra."

I nod my head, turning my gaze to him as I swallow a bite of toast. "I am, thank you." I take a bite of my eggs before speaking again. "I'd like to borrow an owl, if that's possible."

His brows raise. "I think that can be arranged." He turns his eyes to my twin. "Theodore, I don't believe your owl is in use. May your sister borrow it?"

"Oh, yeah. Of course you can, Cassie! Anytime." I shoot my brother a small smile in thanks before focusing on my breakfast once more.

The rest of the meal is eaten in silence. Everyone seeming to tiptoe around the elephant in the room. After finishing three eggs and a slice of toast, I excuse myself, wanting to send out my letter to Hermione.

Theo's black owl, Helios, is easy to spot once I'm in the owlery. I pull a scroll of parchment from the pocket in my robes, tying it around the bird's foot. Offering it a treat from one of the cabinets in the room, I send him off.

"Who are you writing to?" Draco's voice startles me slightly, but not enough to turn my gaze from the open window.

"My sister." I state plainly, leaning my arms on the windowsill. I don't hear him move, but feel his chest brush against my back after a moment. His arms slide around my waist, tightening as he tugs me back against him. For once, I don't resist, leaning my head back against his chest.

"Something changed while you were locked away." It's a statement, not a question. "You remember something. That's the only reason you wouldn't fight against me."

Silence stretches between us as he awaits my response. It's several minutes before I speak, almost whispering. "I remembered everything." His body tenses at my words.


"And now I need to speak to my sister."


Hermione's response was swift, Helios pecking at my bedroom window right as I'm laying down to sleep. I hurry to let the owl in, stroking his feathers as I untie the scroll from his outstretched leg. Sinking onto the window seat, I unroll the parchment.


I cannot express how relieved I am to hear from you! I've been going absolutely insane since you disappeared. When you didn't come back to the Great Hall that day, we knew something was wrong. I knew you were gone. It was just a sinking feeling.

Professor Dumbledore wouldn't do anything to help us. He said that, legally, there is nothing we can do. Your "father" just took you home. It's not as if a Deatheater kidnapped you!. Ron told Dumbledore to his face that that was "a load of hippogriff crap," though he may have been a little more explicit.

It was weird going home without you. I've never had to be apart from you before. I made Mum and Dad leave. I can't tell you how until we're together again. I already told Harry and Ron. The Order doesn't know, but we sent Harry's family away too. I've reached out to a few other muggleborns to see if they wish to do the same. It almost reminds me of witness protection.

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