Chapter 11

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My first Christmas after returning to Father and Theo is bittersweet. There's the void of my deceased mother that we're all avoiding. Grieving for Mumma has been hard, to say the least. I've lived so long without her, that it's hard for me to let her loss affect me. But, knowing that I'll never get to meet the woman from my returned memories is gut wrenching.

The elves have made it their mission to turn the manor into a winter wonderland, inside and out. There are decorations everywhere, fairies lighting all the trees.

The Malfoys stayed last night so that we can all celebrate together this morning. I borrowed Theo's owl in order to send out Christmas gifts. All of my new friends received Honeydukes finest chocolate, along with a new stationary set for Pansy. I sent Luna, Neville, Ginny, Ron, and Harry chocolate as well, with handwritten notes in each gift. I gifted Luna a muggle book on mythical animals in addition to the sweets.

I struggled with Hermione's gift this year, something that's never happened. Eventually, I decided on a new set of her favorite quills and ink, along with a muggle journal and ink pens. I wrote a letter to go with her present, apologizing for whatever I did to upset her and begging for forgiveness. Draco and Theo would be upset if they knew I was the one apologizing, but I can't think of anything else to do.

Waking up in my silk sheets is a treat after being at Hogwarts for a few months. Slowly, I get up and put on my dressing gown and slippers. I brush my teeth and hair before heading downstairs to the family parlor.

I'm surprised to find that Draco is the only one down here, sitting on a velvet sofa while drinking a mug of, what I can only assume is, black coffee. I wrinkle my nose at the thought, I hate the bitter drink.

"Happy Christmas!" I say the greeting softly as I enter the room so as not to startle him. My betrothed turns his attention from the fire, the corner of his mouth tugging upwards as he meets my gaze.

"Happy Christmas, my love." I blush at the term, taking the seat he offers beside him. I slip off my shoes and tuck my feet beneath me as I lean into him. A teacup floats to me from the settee. "Your favorite."

I take the cup, it must have been under a stasis charm. I hum as I take a sip, the blueberry maple tea filling my senses.

"We're the only ones up?" I only speak after drinking half of the contents on my cups

"It seems so. Everyone else must be having a lie in." His arm wraps around my shoulders as he answers me. "What did you end up getting for your father and Theodore?"

I hum, letting my tea cup float back to the small table with a wave of my hand. "I got Theo a new chess set with the pieces customized as lions versus snakes. He's been begging to teach me to play, even though Ron never succeeded in such a feat." The chuckle that escapes fades almost as fast as it appeared. I shake the melancholy from my thoughts and continue. "For Father, I got him a set of topaz cufflinks, Theo's and my birthstone. I got your father a new coin purse and your mother a set of embroidered handkerchiefs."

"I'm sure they'll love their gifts, dear. Speaking of, do you want your gift now?"

"Hm. Is it something I'm going to balk at the price of?" My tone is teasing as I look at him accusingly.

"I have to get you used to me spoiling you somehow." An arrogant smirk accompanies his words as he lets his coffee float back to the coffee table. "Button!"

I watch as his personal elf appears before him, his own childhood nanny elf. "Hows can Button be helping Young Master and his lady?" Button's ears scrape the floor as he bows.

"Bring me Cassandra's gifts." I purse my lips at his lack of manners, but don't comment. Our different views on house elves has caused arguments since we were children. The small elf pops away, leaving for hardly ten seconds before reappearing before us.

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