Chatper 15

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I sit at breakfast avoiding everyone's eye as I pick at my bacon. Nobody has mentioned Harry's and my argument from yesterday, but there's a tenseness to the air. Pansy and Hermione sit on either side of me, both trying to offer what support they can. Mya at least understands what I'm going through, having had her twin ripped from her barely a year before.

The silence this morning is just as tense as the one last night during dinner. Everyone seems to be tiptoeing around the elephant in the room. It's as Ginny asks Pansy to pass the strawberry jam that there's a tapping on the window. All heads turn, seeing a large eagle owl waiting on the other side. My heart drops to my feet, fork held aloft and dripping with eggs as I freeze in place.

I watch with bated breath as Ron stands and opens the window, an expression of confusion on his face. Everyone's gaze follows the bird as it lands before me, leg extended. My fork drops to my plate, hands shaking as I untie the scroll from Apollo, the owl takes off as soon as I finish.

"Rosie, you don't have to open it." Harry's voice breaks through my cloudy, panicked thoughts. His words only cause me a moment of hesitation before I break the wax seal and unfurl the parchment.

"Yes I do." My voice is barely more than a whisper.


Darling, I understand that you have decided to ignore my instructions. While not surprised, I have to say that I am extremely disappointed in you.

His disapproval unbiddenly makes my heart ache, despite my fury at him.

My love, this is your last warning. I am not above taking extreme measures. Return home IMMEDIATELY . Complete whatever duties you feel you must. Say your goodbyes to the blood traitors. If you have not returned to me within the week, I take no responsibility for the actions I will be forced to make. My sins will be on your head.

I hope you come to your senses soon, sweetheart. Theodore sends his regards.

Your Draco

It's the mark right under my mate's signature that causes all the air to leave my lungs. A smear of crimson blood. There's not a doubt in my mind that the blood belongs to my brother. My sweet brother who would never consider hurting his best friend, who has obviously been hurt by that same friend.

I'm on my feet before I even realize, letting the letter fall from my grip as I turn toward the back door.

"Rosie no!" My sister's grip on my wrist hardly registers amidst my panic. Harry moves to block the back door, Ron doing the same to the entrance to the living room.

"Cassie, please take a deep breath. You need to breathe." Pansy takes my other hand, squeezing. It's not until Hermione thumps my back that I suck in a large breath.

My knees give out from under me, causing me to sink to the floor as I tremble, breath and heartbeat quickened. "He's hurt him. I disobeyed him and he hurt him. Oh Godric, Theo's going to hate me!"

My sister kneels on the floor beside me, one of her hands rubbing my back as she tries to calm my fears. "Rosie breathe, deep breaths." She brings one of my hands to her chest, having me feel the pattern of her own breathing.

There's other voices around us, but I can't bring myself to focus on them, barely able to register Hermione's actions as my thoughts surround my brother and what could have possibly happened to him.

It's several minutes before I come back to myself, vision clearing and breathing slowing. The ringing in my ears ceases as I slump against Mya, tears drying on my face.

"What can I do?" My question comes out as a whimper, one of my hands clenching tightly onto Hermione's shirt.

"Exactly what you're doing now, dear." My eyes drift to Mrs. Weasley as she kneels down in front of me. One of her hands comes up to gently stroke my cheek, brushing away my tears. "You keep yourself safe. Your brother wouldn't want you to put yourself in danger anymore than you would want him to."

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