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Louis Tomlinson world famous is the most popular player for the barcelona soccer team and has made a name for himself since he signed to the team and louis was happy with how his career has taken off and louis couldnt be more grateful of his carreer as sometime her felt like he didnt deserve his success but none the less louis was gratefull

"louis we need to go before coachs eye starts to twitch" louis team mate says laughing

"ok messi let me tie my shoe before i trip again:" louis says laughing as he finishes tying his show and soon walk out of the locker room and goes to the field and sees the coach walking to where the players were at

"good morning everyone" louis coach says

"mornig coach" everyone says

" hope you all are rested because since we won last years championship there is pressure to  win this seasons as well" the coach says

""no no pressure at all" louis says as they start to laugh

"well you know how the fans are and we need to deliver" the coach says

"well lets start with warm ups you all were off for 6 months and i hope you were all keeping in shape" the coach says with a small laugh

"of course not" one of louis teammates yells out as they start to laugh

"ok ok lets do warm ups" the coach says "did everyone get the season schedule i emailed it last night"

"yes" everyone says

"ok and everyone needs to be on time you all know i dont allow tardys i am looking at you louis" the coach says

"im not late everyone is just early" louis says with sass and attitude

"your lucky you are one of our best players or i would cut you for that smart ass mouth" the coach says laughing\

"that why i do it" louis says laughing

"alright enought banter lets start warm ups" the coach says as the team start to do their warm ups and soon the coach starts to blow his whistle as the team gathers around the coach "good job everyone we have a lot of work to do so lets stick to the schedule and i will see you all tomorrow"  the coach says as the team walks to the locker room

"i am sweating" louis says

"me too" mellow says as they start to change their clothes and soon walk out of the locker rooms as louis walks to his car

"louis" some one says as louis turns around

"hey ronald" louis says

"hey can you pick me up tomorrow my wife is taking my car to get service done"

"yeah of course" louis says  "so how is nancy doing"

"really good getting into a good routing with the baby" robert says

"that is good she is soo cute looks like nancy" louis says as they get to his car

"i know same thing i said" robert says laughing "well i will see you tomorrow"

"ok" louis says as he gets into his car and drives to his house and he walks in and goes to his room and takes a shower and soon walks out as he changes his clothes and his phone starts to ring "lima bean"

"what have i told you about that" liam says laughing

"not to but you know that i dont listen" louis says laughing

"should drop you from being a client" liam says laughing

"you wouldnt dare" louis says dramatically

"anyways hey tomorrow after practice can you come to my office i need to go over some contracts and a few companies want you to be a spokes person" liam says

The PopStar & The Soccer Player Larry Stylinson (MPREG)Where stories live. Discover now