Chapter 15

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Its been 2 months since darcy was born and louis have been so in love with her louis is still living in the guest house and 3 weeks ago louis flew to Barcelona to talk to the coach and louis started to interview for nannys as he knew he was going to be traveling a lot and found someone louis was comfortable with as louis a week ago started to go to practices and louis won the first game of his return and all his fans were excited that he had returned

"louis we have to get to practice" messi says

"I know sorry has to take darcy and the nanny to the private area" louis says as they walk out of the locker room and get to the field as they start to run around and do their excerses and soon play a scrimmage game and a few hours later the coach blows his whistle as they walk to the coach

"good job guys I am proud of you all now we know we lost last season championship but we want this season championship" the coach says

"we are trying" louis says laughing

" I know and you all know I don't pressure you all but this season we have to win" the coach says

"of course we are going to win the championship" messie says and soon the coach lets them leave and louis meets the nanny at the car and soon they walk into louis new hours that he moved into before he went back to play for the team

"Kathy is the baby asleep" louis asks

"she is she went back to sleep before you left the locker room" Kathy says "let me take her to her nursery"

"ok thank you you have my game schedule right" louis says

"yes I have it on my phone" Kathy says

"ok umm that is all for me thank you so much I really appreciate your help" louis says as he pays Kathy and she leaves the house as louis goes to check up on darcy and leaves her room and goes to his room and takes a shower and as he gets out of the shower louis hears darcy start to whimper and louis goes to get her "let me change real quick ok munchkin" louis says as he lays darcy on the bed as darcy starts to whimper again and louis turns on the television and puts on the music channel as he looks for videos from harry and soon plays a song and darcy stops whimpering as louis sees darcy smile as she moves her head to see the television and louis quickly puts his clothes on "you little brat" louis says as he lays down and puts darcy on his chest as louis starts to trace darcys face with his finger and louis starts to massage darcys head as louis places a kiss on darcys forehead "you know your daddy would fall asleep on my chest just like you when I would massage his head I love him so much and you being here has made me so happy I love you so much darcy hope I love you so much" louis says as he starts to fall asleep and a few hours later louis wakes up as he hears his phone ring "hello" louis whispers as he sees its zayn

"are you sleeping" zayn says

"yeah I fell asleep with darcy" louis says

"I just got to Barcelona I will be at your house in about 30 minutes" zayn says

"ok I am home" louis says as he hangs up the phone as he sits up and takes darcy to her room as he lays her down as louis gets up and goes to make darcy another bottle and soon walks back as darcy starts to cry as louis picks her up and feeds her as she looks at louis and smiles "your eyes are just like your dad and I love that about you and you look just like him and your dimple" louis says as he pokes it as darcy smiles "you brat" louis says as he laughs and when darcy is done eating louis starts to burp her as he hears a knock at the door and louis starts to walk downstairs " uncle zayn is here to see you so can you please be on your best behavior" louis says as he opens the door and zayn drops his bags and takes darcy from louis "well hello to you too stupid" louis says laughing

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