Chapter 13

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Iits now the following friday a jay is on her way to jeffs office as jay walks in

"jay come in harry is running a bit late" jeff says

"thank you um jeff because of the break up i think its best i step back from being harrys publicist speciall the way the break up happened and the letter  harry gave to louis" jays says

"what letter" jeff says confused as jay tells jeff about the letter "ohh shit no fucken way is that why harry left louis cuz louis is pregnant"

"Yeah but please dont tell him i told you also louis wants harry to stop calling and emailing him or we will file a restraining order against him i am telling you this before hand so you wont be surprised and can react" jays ays

"i understand" jeff says as he answers the phone "brit send harry in"

"thank you" jay says

"come in harry" jeff says as he hears a knock at the door

"jay" harry says

"harry  umm you requested this meeting" jay says

"um well because of what happened with louis i think we should part ways i can pay you until the end of the month my new publicist will start then" harry says

"i was going to tell you the same thing and i can agree to that" jay says as she puts a form in front of harry "i need you to sign this form and it will terminate our relationship"

"ok" harry says as he reads the form and then signs it

"also harry please stop contacting louis or he will file a restraining order against you he doesnt want to but he will" jay says

"i wont its over and done with" harry says

"well that is all for me" jay says "it was a pleasure working for you harry and i wish you nothing but success and happiness"

"thank you jay i wish you all the same" harry says as jay walks out of the office

"are you sure about this harry" jeff says

"yeah just it will be to hard and i thought about it" harry says

"who did you hire as a publicist" jeff asks

"kris"  harry says

"jenner" jeff questions

"yeah" harry says

"are you talking to kendall again harry becareful she is nothing but trouble all her clients have dropped her" jeff says

"we talked and i think its the best decsion for me" harry says

"that is all i have to say about that but becareful harry" jeff says

"i am grown as man i can make whatever decision i want without asking your permission" harry yells out with anger

'"like i said what ever you decide you are grown and that is that " jeff says "well you stated you wanted to take 6 months because you and louis were together is that still the timeline or are you going to start recording in 2 months"

"i dont know yet i think i might take the year off" harry says

"let me know by the end of the month so i can book the studio time" jeff says

"I will umm i have to go i am having lunch with  my mom" harry says

"ok harry that is all i had anyways" jeff says as harry walks out of the office and goes to his parents house and walks in

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