Chapter 14

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Cuz y'all asked nicely 🫣🫣🥰🥰❤️❤️🤭🤭🤭


Its been 3 months since louis found out he was going to have a daughter and has been busy getting the nursery ready for his daughter louis hasn't heard from harry or the divorce and louis didn't care and louis had decided he was going to file instead louis was more sad the harrys family had not reach out to him or his family but none the less Louis was excited to soon welcome his daughter

"louis" jay yells out

"yeah" louis says as he walks to the main house

"your team is here" jay says as everyone walks in the house

"hey" louis says as he starts to cry

"surprise" messis wife says first as they all start to hug

"we came to celebrate you and cant wait for you the have our niece" someone says

"and we cant wait for you to get back on the field so we can win the last season was hard" melo says

"that is true why I got pregnant as retaliation" louis says laughing

"have you heard from dumbass" messi says

"no and I don't care I just care about my baby right now it's the only thing I can focus and I am 2 days from my due date" louis says

"we all cant wait to meet this new little princess" someone says

"how was your last appointment" johns wife says

"really good baby is in position to deliver just waiting for her stubborn ass to come out" louis says as he laughs

"well don't hope for that yet cuz labor is a bitch" Daniel's wife says laughing

"ughgh don't tell me that" louis says

'well as soon as you walk into the hospital ask for the good drugs" clays wife says as they laugh

'oihhh I already talked to my doctor I want to do it all natural with no drugs" louis say proudly

"ohh bless your heart" tonys wife says as the wives start to laugh

"its your first baby you will learn" messis wife says

"don't scare him let him learn like we all did when we made that stupid decision" arthurs wife says laughing

"stop" louis says a he laughs

"ohh let him learn" jay says laughing

"not you too" louis says laughing

"I ordered pizza it will be here in a few minutes" jay says as they continue to talk and laugh and soon the food gets to the house as they all sit down and eat and soon everyone leaves and louis goes to the guest house and louis changes his clothes and goes back to the main house

"mom" louis yells out

"yeah" jay says

"imma going on my walk" louis says

"take one of your sisters since you are close to your due date" jay says

"lots" louis yells out as lottie walks to the stairs


"want to come on a walk with me we might go to the ice cream shop" louis says

"yeah lets go" lottie says

"I want to go" fizzy says

"just get everyone" louis says as everyone soon walks out of the house and they walk to the near by ice cream place as they order and sit down "remind me to get some for mom and dad"

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