Chapter 11

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The following months were busy for louis and harry as they went back to their house harry put his house for sale and has moved into louis house as they started to look for new house to get together they still haven't told their families they got married but did tell them they were moving in together

"Hazzie" louis yells out as he walks in the house

"kitchen I am making lunch" harry says as he walks to the kitchen as louis gives harry a kiss "how was your meeting"

"really good I am signed to Barcelona for another 5 years" louis says with a wide smile

"really I am so proud of you" harry says

"ohh I wanted to ask you something" louis says nervously

"anything" harry says

"Liam told me that the club wanted to do a charity game with celerbities and the team and I wanted to ask you if you wanted to do it" louis says nervously

"what charity are you doing it for" harry asks

"childrens hospital in Barcelona" louis says

"oh I would love to do it I will call jeff and your mom and let them know so they can reach out to the club owner I am sure your mom has his direct phone number" harry says laughing

"she actually does" louis says "but mom might ask you to reach out to a few friends of yours I don't know when the charity is going to be but from what I think liam said was before the season starts"

"ohh that will work I will be recording but julian will understand if I miss a week or soo" harry says

"thank you these events mean a lot to the team we usually do other teams but this year I think its an amazing idea to do celebrities" louis says

"I love that idea but you are going to have to coach me I never played the game" harry says with w devilish smile

"hmm something tells me you are lying" louis says

"I am not" harry says not being able to look at louis as he starts to laugh

"have I ever told you that you are a shit liar" louis says laughing as louis hugs and places a kiss on louis lips "what are you making for lunch"

"nothing to heavy just sandwiches and chips" harry says

"ohh ok need any help" louis asks

"no so what else did you talk about in your meeting" harry asks

"nothing much just charity game my contract and my new deal with adidas" louis says

"you are doing adidas again" harry asks

"yeah wear their clothes anyways my mom said I might as well get paid for it  but I need to warn you that I will be doing some poses without a shirt so I don't want you to get all jealous and shit" louis says

"you know I will but I get it its just a photoshoot" harry says

"ok we get each other" louis says laughing "and I wear more clothes than you do so shut it"

"stop we are not talking about me we are talking about you" harry says as he laughs "ok sandwiches are done"

"I will get the chips and drinks" louis says as harry takes the sandwiches to the table and louis gets the chips and drinks and go to the table as they sit down and start to eat "when do you meet with jeff and my mom"

"in 2 weeks so eventually we are both going to get busy" harry says

"yeah I know but we made it already and we will do it again at least this time around we know what we are getting into" harry says

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