Chapter 17

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the following afternoon harry wakes up when louis phone starts to ting

"doll" harry says as he shakes louis

"huh what" louis says

"your phone is ringing" harry says as louis sits up and sees who it is

"shit" louis says as he answers "mom"

"hey where are you at" jay says

"my room i just woke up" louis says as he yawns

"you want me to take darcy with me" jay says

"yeah please can you give her a bath she must be really sweaty from yesterday" louis says

"yeah of course i was going to give all the kids baths so i will add her" jay says "what time are you picking her up"

"mom umm harry and i talked last night and he is going to tell his family today and he wants me to go with him to talk to them" louis says nervously

"what happened why" jay says as louis tells her what harry told him about the night before

"good luck to both of you can you text me if anne kills you both i get darcy with them having visitation granparents rights" jay says laughing

"not funny she might get mad at you for not telling anne" louis says laughing

"ok fine just text me when you all decide what you and harry decide what you want to do but as soon as we get home i am giving the kids baths so darcy will be ready by 1" jay says

"ok mom i will update you when we know how things go at harrys parents house" louis says

"ok good luck both of you" jay says as louis hangs up the phone

"i need to shower i will come back when i am done" harry says as he stands up and starts to get dressed and soon walks out of the room and louis goes to shower and soon starts to pack his things and looks thru his room one last time as he gets his phone and unblocks harry as louis hears a knock at the door as louis opens the door "you ready"

"no" louis says nervously as harry hugs louis tight

"my mom called and is waiting for us" harry says

"how about i wait for you at my parents house" louis says

"please it will be better if we are together when i tell them so they also know i am telling the truth" harry says

"ok fine" louis says

"Did you bring your car" harry asks

"no i came in a uber since i was going to stay and you" louis asks

"i brought my car" harry says

"ok lets rip the band aid off" louis says as they walk out of the room as harry gets louis bag as they walk to harrys car and get in as they drive to harrys parents house and soon get there and harry parks

"ready" harry says

"no but we are here and its to far for me to walk home" louis says laughing as they get off the car and walk in the house

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