Chapter 12

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"so this is how you want to end things" louis says crying

"whatever i dont care" harry says as louis hears a voice in the background and louis decides not to say anything

"is this is it harry are you fucken sure" louis says crying

"i dont care" harry says "i filed for divorce with my attorney so you will get the paperwork in the next few weeks"

"you win you want me to stop calling you and texting you you got it, you want me to leave you alone you got it you want your fucken space you fucken got it" louis says crying as anger gets the best of him "i guess you dont need me anymore and probably never will but that one day when you try and reach back up to me i wont be there we wont be there  cause you didn't listen to me when i was there you  you didnt hear me when i was there you didnt answer me when i was there so yeah i am not perfect but at least i know i tried so dont expect me to try when you're ready good bye harry" louis says crying as he hangs up the phone  and cries harder than he thought he could and soon falls asleep the following morning louis wakes up as he goes to the kitchen and makes himself something to eat and louis decides to call his mom

"good morning boobear are you and harry back from Barcelona" jay says

"umm mom are you busy i need you to come over and i need to talk to you about somethings and i dont want to do it over the phone" louis says crying but trying to control himself

"ohh sounds important let me take doris and ernest to day care i can be there in an hours" jay says

"ok mom i will see you in a hour" louis says as he hangs up the phone and goes to his bag and takes out the ultra sound pictures as gets back into bed as he cries missing harry as louis had harrys sweater on as its still had harrys smell and soon falls asleep again and soon louis wakes up as he hears his moms voice "my room" louis says as he gets up and walks to the stairs

"what is wrong boobear come lets go to your room" jays says as they go to louis room "why are you crying boobear talk to me how can i fix this"

"mom harry left me" louis says crying

"what" jay says in shock "what the fuck happened"

"umm mom so you better understand what i am going to tell you i have to start from mom i just found out i am 11 weeks pregnant" louis says crying as he shows his mom the ultrasound pictures

"so why did harry leave you were you all not being careful" jay says

"no we were careless mom" louis says as he tells his mom what happened the days before and is talk with his coach "mom he left me we had talked about kids and our future the days before we planned our future and i talked to him yesterday and he told me it was over i cant deal with this pain mom what am i going to do i dont know if i can live with out him mom i love him so much"

"i know boobear i dont know what he is thinking but we cant worry about him and if he left that is his loss we just move on as a family you know we are all going to be here for you and the baby" jay says

"mom harry might fire you as his publicist" louis says

"i dont care i am not going to drop him i want him to tell me" jay says

"mom i cant beleive how stupid i was to beleive him" llouis says

"louis lets not go around in circles with this at this point its no use to try and understand what he is thinking so lets move on are you going to sell this house" jay says

"yeah and the one in barcelona i dont want him to ever know about me or the baby" louis says

"i understand come home with me for a few days" jay says

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