Chapter 2

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The following weeks were busy for harry as he was doing rehearsals getting ready for his first performance as he also dropped his next single  and just arrived in Barcelona the night before and harry wakes up as he hears a knock at the door

"what" harry says grunpy as he was tired

"we have to go to rehearsals we only have today to run thru everything we need" jeff says

"let me change" harry says as he goes to his room and soon walks back out "where is niall"

"he left with the band" jeff says as they walk out of the room and go to the private car and soon get to the stadium and walk in as they take harry to his dressing room and soon hears a knock at the door and jeff opens the door "niall come in"

"hey sorry the band wanted to have breakfast" niall says

"its ok i just needed to sleep" harry says as they hear another knock at the door and niall opens

"I am sorry sir we need mr styles on the field for sound and lighting" the person says as harry and jeff stand up and walk to where they were suppose to as harry gets to the stage and sees the team coach blow his whistle

"alright guys mr styles is going to rehearse lets take a break you can go to the locker room or watch" coach says

"lets watch" someone says as they go to the stands and watch harry

"what do you think" Arthur says

"he is good I am impress" louis says

"wow I thought you would of walked away" Daniel says another team mate

"I don't want to be rude" louis says laughing as they continue to see the performance and when harry was done with he performance the team starts to clap and cheer as harry takes a bow

"H want to meet the team" jeff says to harry

"sure" harry says as jeff walks to the coacj

"would the team like to meet harry"  jeff says

"yeah I think they would" the coach says

"let me get him" jeff says as he walks to harry and the coach walks to the team

"you all want to meet harry styles" coach says

"yes of course" Carlos says another team mate

"you seem excited" louis teases

"I love his music" carlos says as they see harry walking to them

"hello everyone" harry says "I am harry styles nice to meet you all and thank you all for having me"

"welcome and thank you for coming" coach says "I am coach alan and let me introduce to you to the team" the coach says as he starts to introduce the team to harry "and last but not least this is louis Tomlinson the co captain of the team"

"nice to meet you mr styles" louis says as they shake hands and as they stare at each other

"nice to meet you as well" harry says not being able to break eye contact with louis

"umm are you staying for the game" messi says

"yes of course I am staying with the band I hope I am good enough luck for you all to win" harry says with a smile

"if not you will not be invited back" louis teases

"boo" harry says laughing as louis gasps

"you have a dimple" louis says

"yeah" harry says

"can I poke it please I will pout" louis says

"no" harry says  as louis starts to pout

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