Chapter 19

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Its been 3 months since louis and harry got back together and have started couples counseling harry talked to jeff and decided to take the year off so he can spend more time with louis and darcy and louis was getting ready to to start his new season as he had gone to Barcelona and started to get his house ready for them to move in for the training and the new season

"Hazzie" louis says

"yard" harry says as darcy runs to louis

"mommy" darcy says yelling louis picks her up and hugs her tight

"ohh my baby where is dad" louis says

"here she ran as soon as she heard you" harry says as he places a kiss on louis lips

"did you guys eat" louis asks

"no but I ordered lunch it should be here in another 20 minutes' harry says

"ok let me go shower I will be back" louis says as he goes upstairs

"daddy we play ball" darcy says

"yeah come on" harry says as they walk to the back yard and darcy gets the soccer ball as they start to kick it around and soon harry hears the doorbell as he walks to the house

"I will get it" louis says as he walks to the door and gets the food and closes the door and takes everything to the table as harry gets darcy as the goes to wash her hands and face as they walk to the kitchen and harry puts darcy in her booster chair "munchkin do you want juice"

"apple" darcy says with a wide smile as louis gets the drinks and goes to the table

"I love this" harry says with a smile

"what" louis says

"us a family just the three of us" harry says

"me too" louis says

"mommy we play ball pease mommy pease" darcy says as she takes a bite of her food

"yes of course" louis says

"she is good" harry says

"well you aren't that good but we have been playing since she was able to walk" louis says

"I can tell" harry says

"umm H I want to talk to you about something" louis says

"ohh" harry says

"umm I want to retire when darcy turns 5 I mean she will be in school and because of you recording and touring and then my season I don't want her to miss in school classes I know we can have a traveling teacher but I want her to be in school and have a normal childhood" louis says nervously

"so 3 years since darcy will be 2 in a few months" harry says

"yeah I been playing for almost 10 years and I want to enjoy life but I want to talk to you about something else" louis says nervously

"ok" harry says

"Umm I want to start a sports center and have a soccer club for kids I mean you know I cant just be a house wife but I want to do this to keep active and keep darcy busy in a team I want to do this for low income kids to keep them busy and show them that with a good support system they can do what ever they want" louis says

"I fucken love you" harry says with a wide smile "but what if other kids want to join"

"I want everyone that wants to join to be able to but low income kids I am not going to charge them the fees I want to do a lot of fundraising to be able to do this as much as I want to pay for everything I will go broke and I still want to be able to give our daughter and any future babies a good life" louis says

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