The Search Begins! (Part 2)

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~Back with the kidnappers~

"You should have just kept your mouth shut, Xavier. It doesn't have to come to this, you know?" Tony said and asked as his voice that started to change.

Xavier glances towards Erica, who was about to cry and full of bruises. "This has to stop, Tony! What you're doing is not kidnapping anymore! This is child abuse! And, the child we kidnapped is only two years old!" Xavier yelled as Erica cried.

"Shut up!" Tony yelled but, Erica kept crying because she was scared at the sight of Xavier being injured in front of her.


Tony left for a while as Xavier slowly and weakly walked towards Erica, who was still crying.

"It's okay. I'm not hurt that bad. I'll be fine. You're not hurt that bad, right?" Xavier asked Erica as Erica walked towards his arms and fell asleep. "Huh, I guess I do have my way with kids. I guess my parents were right then." Xavier said as he was talking to himself.

"Oh, come on! Don't get to attach to her, Xavier!" Tony yelled. "To attached? You were the one who dragged me to do this stupid idea of yours. And, you of all people expect me to just follow through with your plan!? You better check yourself because the last we had this conversation was for me to protect my family." Xavier said in a strict voice as he picked Erica up and walked the opposite way.


~Back with the Band Kiss~

Days turned into nights as the band and the authorities tirelessly worked together to track down the necklace and, in turn, Erica's whereabouts. They coordinated their efforts, sharing information and leads, determined to bring Erica back home safely.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, a breakthrough came. The authorities traced the GPS signal from the necklace to a remote location on the outskirts of town. Eric, Paul, Gene, and Ace rushed to the scene, their hearts pounding with a mix of anticipation and fear.

"I've almost got the location, Captain!" said one of the officers. "Good job. We might be able to find a lead now." said Captain Noah.

"See, everything's going to be fine, Eric." Paul said. Then, before Eric could reply, Peter Criss, Bruce Kulick and Vinnie Vincent came in the security office and made everyone shocked.

"We're here! How can we help?" Bruce asked. "You told him!?" Eric asked Paul as Paul glanced towards Gene with and angry look. "Woah! I didn't told him!" Gene said as he quickly defended himself and glanced towards Ace.

"What, I've been texting with Peter and I have no choice." Ace said as he showed his phone and Peter showed his too. "Ugh,...... So much for keeping this a low-key." Eric said as he groaned.

"Hey, how come you never told us that you adopted a child?" Bruce asked. "Because I wanted to make it a surprise for her! To meet you guys! But, now I guess my plan is ruined too." Eric said as he lets out a sigh.


"We have a concert tonight. Eric, do you think you can play with us?" Paul asked. "I guess I can." Eric said. But, before he left he meet up with Bruce alone. "Bruce, if there's any news on about my daughter, make sure that I'm the first one to hear it." Eric said. "Sure, man. Anything to help you." Bruce said.

Eric left the room and followed Ace towards the dressing room.

"Hey guys, I've been thinking a lot about Eric lately. It's heartbreaking to know that his daughter, Erica, is missing. We should do something." Bruce said as this caught everyone's attention.

"I have to agree, Bruce. We were all like a family. It's only right that we help out." Vinnie said.

"I've been in the band before him but, I know what it's like to have your daughter kidnapped. Plus, Eric would have done the same for us. But where do we start?" Peter said as he pulled out his phone.

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