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Y/N and Maya strolled leisurely beneath the shade of towering oak trees that lined the pathways of their university campus. The two friends chatted animatedly about their classes, upcoming assignments, and everything in between.

As they strolled along, their attention was drawn to a nearby group of students, engaged in an intense conversation. Y/N and Maya exchanged curious glances before slightly altering their path to overhear the discussion.

"Did you hear about the fresher's party?" one student enthusiastically exclaimed, clearly unable to contain their excitement.

"It's going to be the event of the semester," another student chimed in. "I heard it will take place at our auditorium and planned all sorts of fun activities."

Y/N's eyes widened, and a smile crept across their face. They glanced at Maya, who mirrored their excitement. Without missing a beat, they locked eyes and shared the unspoken realization - they had stumbled upon something remarkable.

Unable to resist, Y/N and Maya subtly moved closer, their pace slowing down to eavesdrop on the conversation unfolding before them.

"You know what? We should totally go," a third student suggested, igniting a spark in their classmates.

"Yeah, it would be a great way to make new friends and also meet the girls." someone agreed as he squealed.

His friends laughed and moved away.

The buzz of excitement swirled around Y/N and Maya. Their hearts soared with enthusiasm as they visualized the possibilities that awaited them at the fresher's party. The thought of mingling with fellow students, dancing to infectious music, and experiencing the vibrant energy of the event filled them with a sense of anticipation.

Unable to contain their excitement any longer, Y/N chuckled, followed by Maya."A freshers party at last!" Maya said.

"I know, i have been dreaming about this since I came here." Y/n smiled.

"I wonder what theme ot will be." Maya said.

"As in western or traditional?" Y/n asked.

"Yes yes that." Maya nodded. "What do you think?"

"Eh I don't know, either way the boys will be death when they see girls dressed like that." Y/n shrugged.

Maya laughed at that and they decide to go and tell the boys.

They made it to the hostel and asked one of the student to call them.

In a minute the boys were standing there confused as to why the girls are here.

"What's up?" Anni asked, the other voys waiting impatiently.

"Did you hear?" Maya asked with a smile.

"Hear what?" He asked.

The girls look back at the other boys who just looked at them, confused.

"It's as if y'all don't live here." Y/n complaint.

"Are what is it about?" Acid asked.

"Freshers party." Maya said.

"What?!" The boys exclaimed.

"Yes! We heard a group of boys talking about this." Maya said, while smiling.

"Really?" They asked again.

"Yes you idiots." The girls chuckled at their expression.

The boys started to shout and hugged eachother. The girls looked at them with a smile and would laugh at their silly faces.


The same night Maya was meeting up with Anni outside H4, so naturally, she asked Y/n to come and standby, to make sure the watchman didn't catch them.

Mummy, joined by Acid and Sexa, were also keep watching, so she went to go join them.

"Hey," she whispered. Sexa nodded hello, while Mummy pulled her closer to them by the arm. "Why so many of you??"

"Sexa is a pervert who wants to see if they do anything risqué, and Acid just wanted to see the show." Mummy replied. Y/n nodded in understanding.

Y/n looked around, making sure no one would disturb the couple, when she saw a figure standing outside his room on the balcony, lighting a cigarette. He was shirtless, and she could clearly see his well-defined abs in the street lamp.

That was none other than Derek.

Sexa noticed her staring at him and smirked. "Hmmm did something happen?"

"What do you mean?" Y/n looked away quickly acting normally.

"Derek and you muah muah muuu." Sexa made kissy noises and gestures with his hand.

"Chi!" Y/n shoved him with a blush.

"Come here my raja let me show you my love." Acid mimicked girls voice, hugging sexa and they hugged eachother making it look like they were kissing.

Mummy looked at them with wide eyes, his mouth closing and opening second by second.

Y/n looked at them with heat creeping in her cheeks. "You guys look so gay."

The guys stopped, looking at her then at eachother and pulled away quickly.

They cleaned their hands as if they were dirty and looked away.

Y/n chuckled, looking back at the boy just to see he's eyes on her. When their eyes met, she felt something knock inside her and whisper type. She blinked, looking away.

What was that?

She thought playing with her fingers. Maya and Anni stood up, walking towards the guys, signaling that it was time to go. "Bye guys," Y/n waved bye and left promptly.

Beside her, Maya seemed a bit dull. "Hey, is everything okay? Did Anni do something? Do I have to give him a punch in the face?" Maya shook her head no with a chuckle.

"I'm just worried for Anni. He got an offer to switch to H3, but he doesn't want to leave the H4 friends he made." You nodded, understanding.

"I get it. Sometimes you can't leave the home which has heartbeat all of sudden with so much memories in these many days."

"Hmm, I guess you're right," Maya conceded. The two of them walked back to H10, deep in thought.

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