I get Superpowers

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It was like some supersonic drink because boy was I feeling like a superhero. I still lay on the floor. I peeked through the lids of my eyes, and saw that the grey cloud that was once there was replaced by white ones. The rain had suddenly stopped. The birds were chirping unusually. Like they were excited about something. I heard the rush of water in my ear. I opened my eyes some more and saw that everyone eyes were wide open. I looked over and saw that Simon and Aiden was happy to see that I was okay but was also surprise that I was okay. Art and Chiron looked worried but proud about something too. What was going on?

I got up and picked up my Backstab and my shield. Everyone looked at me like if I was crazy to stand back up and try to defeat Jessie again. What was I suppose to do? Give up. That was two words that shouldn’t go together.

“Hey guys why ya’ll look like that.” She asked in confusion, “I won.”

I walked up to her and tapped her, “Guess again.” She spun around faster than a cheetah catching its prey. Her eyes opened wide and her mouth hung.

“How in the world…….” She raised her sword, and I clashed Backstab. The two metals hit each other with a Clang! She removed it and stepped back. She swung her sword at me but I blocked it with my shield. Then I shoved her in the face with it. If she looked angry before, then she was furious. Because her once straight hair became frizzy. She began to swing madly at me aiming at my head, but I docked, and brought my sword to her exposed arm. Backstab interacted with her skin ripping it. Blood gushed out madly. Thank Zeus that blood did not make me queasy. Because if someone saw this, I think would have fainted by now.

“You did not just cut me!” She fumed

                She swung her sword at me, but I knocked her sword of her hand with my shield. Then I did a 360 kick to her face and she lost her balance. Then I brought one blade t the front of her knack and one behind.

“Got anything to say now.” I said hinting for her to say ‘I surrender’.

                “I …surrender.” She murmured

                I dropped the swords and she shuffled back. Hey brown eyes becoming really dark in anger. I brought my hands to shake, but she slapped it away. I shrugged at her reaction and watched her storm off in anger. The blue team cheered and a few of the red team, who didn’t care to see who won or not.  Simon and Aiden ran to me.

“You said that you had no experience with a sword.”

“I don’t honestly.” I said telling the truth

“Well you did well.” Aiden exclaimed


“How did you….you know?” Simon said

“I heard someone say rain. Like it was in my head.”

                Simon’s eyes opened up widely at the sudden news. He grabbed my wrist and told me that we needed to see Art and Chiron. He dragged me over to Art and Chiron who looked real serious about something.

                “Okay what’s up with the tension? I just defeated the undefeated Jessie.” I said smiling widely

                “Art. Chiron.” Simon said slowly, “I think Selene is the daughter of—

                “Poseidon.” Chiron said finishing Simon

                “We...wait...wait wait, you think that I, me, Selene, am the daughter of the sea god, one the big three daughters no way. I can’t be.” I said

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