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Aiden ran to me with his eyes wide. I was still damp from the water.

“You’re the daughter of one of the big threes. You must be…”He trailed off

“I must be what.”

“Nothing.” He replied

I am the daughter of the big three, Poseidon; ‘wow’ I thought to my self, “What happened?”

“You put the fire out. Water came gushing out of no where.”

I turned around to see Gene walking my way. He pulled me into a bear hug, “I knew you was going to find out.”

“Gene, you’re choking the heck out of me. Losing air.” I choked out in breaths


“It’s just so cool, because you’re different.” Aiden said

“I’m just a demi-god.”

“No you’re a demi-god, whose god parent is Poseidon.”

Gene pulled me into a big hug that choked me again. I saw Simon, who was walking over here. I think he’s going to be jealous. I forgot he liked me.

“Am I interrupting anything?” He said stern

“Calm down. I was just congratulating her.”

“You was choking me actually, Gene.” I said slapping his arm

Simon eyed us suspiciously.

“Dude. Calm down.”

“I didn’t say anything.” Simon shot back

“But you were thinking it.” Gene replied

“Now you’re a mind reader.”

“But I am the son of Athena.” He shot back

“That doesn’t make you so smart.”

“But I’m smarter than you’ll ever be.”  Gene shot back, “ Why don’t you go plant some flowers.”

“That’s such a stereotype. Demeter kids does that you idiot.”

“And there you go again and again calling me an idiot.”

I moved out of there argument and started talking to Aiden. I learned that his dad was an engineer and owned a car shop. His dad was ‘dating’ which Aiden didn’t even approve of, because this woman is really young. And he blames Aphrodite, but wouldn’t hold it against here, because he can blast him into a million pieces, and that she wouldn’t bring ‘love’ to him. Then we changed our subject into something simpler like favorite color and birthdays stuff like that. He said his favorite color was silver; of course mine was sea green blue. His birthday which was next week, when the summer solstice starts June 21. He also said that he’d never ever had a mission. He’d always stay at the camp year round, because he was too scared to face the real world. He’s been her since he was two. Most of all his other friends he’d come with, died or escaped this camp. Or they died because they escaped the camp. I never understood a mission. He explained that a mission was like a ninja mission. You’d suppose to find something or help someone.

“Everyone come around! Come around!” Chiron bellowed

Everyone walked around to the Big White House and walks in. Inside of the cabin, we can see Art and Chiron around a table, of course Art sitting and Chiron standing on four legs. I went around and sat in the front. Aiden sat next to me, so did Gene. Simon saw and sat the back. Jessie came in and sat next to Simon. She was giving him the golly eyes, but I could feel Simon eyes making a hole in the back of my head. I turned around and his eyes caught mine, I smiled and he smiled back. He calmed down a little. This room was still tense, real tense.

Selene Diaz: The Demi-GodWhere stories live. Discover now