I go on a Pony Ride

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I opened my eyes, to see that I was in a bed lying down. What was going on. Who had kidnapped me. My mom was going to freak though. I coughed, this room was dusty. Full of battle armor. I got up and walked over to a knife that had Celestial Bronze, and Stygirion Iron. I know not to get this person as my enemy. I recognized, that this person was not a mortal, it was probably a Demi-god. But why would one of our own kinds try to kill us?

“ I guess you found your way around.” I heard the same voice that kidnap me say

“ Who are you! What do you want!” I yelled still not turning around

“ You know, if that was me, I would of sliced that person to pieces who had kidnapped me.” He said simply, “ But you know, I can’t get kidnapped or killed.”

What? How can you not get kidnapped or killed. Weirdo, don’t even have the right sense.

“ Why’d you kidnap me.”

“ No reason, I was just bored.”

Now I was fuming. Who in the world kidnaps a kid, for no reason? I turned around, and then gasped of how young this person looked. Like he was 18, but something was different about him. His eyes were the color of fire. Like fire it self, it showed fierceness. I felt weak next to him. His hair was ragged and thrown all over his face like he just got out of battle. He was a leather jacket, black skinny jeans, big black boots, and a red shirt with black Greek writing saying ‘  ’.  What did his shirt mean. But being, half blood, I understood, what it said, it said ‘ Sparta.’ He was ripped him muscles looking like boulders.

“Where are my friends?” I asked boldly like I was not timid in his presence

He smiled, and snapped his fingers, and my friends appeared before my eyes. Whoa! Was he some type of magician.

“ Who are you?” I said drawing my sword

He drew his sword, I looked over and saw that my friend’s mouth were hung open. Aiden turned and saw what I had did, and threw his hands out saying “ No!” urgently.

“Why!” I said, “ This guy..” I said pointing at the kidnapper with my sword, “ Had kidnapped us for no reason.”

“ Trust me.” Aiden said, “ You don’t want to get into battle with this guy.” Aiden said pointing at him.

“ He doesn’t intimidate me.” I said, “ You saw what I did to Jessie.” While I said that Simon shaking his head no.

“ No what?”

“ Just because you took my daughter.” His eyes flamed, “ Doesn’t mean you can take me. You’re just fighting a loosing battle trust me.”

“ What!” I said in confusion….no wait…don’t tell me, oh my…my. I dropped my sword in reorganization.

“ You’re Ares aren’t you.” I said stepping back

“ Hero, guessed right.” He said, “ Listen, normally I would, attack people like you, who try to step up, but I like you. And me, liking you is really rare. Saying that you stabbed my daughter pride.”

“ Your daughter, attacked me first.”

“ That shows that she’s not a child of Ares, no child of Ares, should loose to a child of…” He said slowly and harshly

“ Poseidon.” I said filling in his sentence

He walked closer to me, “ Well, well, well, well, I see that Uncle, just can’t leave mortal women alone. And he knows the danger to it.” He says, “ You know, I would just blast you now. But I probably might need you in the future. Something that can save all of.”

Selene Diaz: The Demi-GodWhere stories live. Discover now