Chapter 2

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"Still sharp-tongued."

"Still arrogant."

Both looked at each other rather deeply, as if each person wants to say something else, a reply that would make the other just want to give up and go on their knees for forgiveness.

"And although I still want to have a chat with you, I may need to leave." Dorothea finally spoke, not bothering to give him a glance as she dusts off her extravagant clothes. "I have duties to attend to, unlike you."

That would make him shut up, she thinks, before fixing her figure and taking a step, far from where the prince was. However, his reply just needed to butt in.

"Like what? Finding that niece of yours?" The man asked, groaning. "Why are you so attached, to begin with? You're not her mother, you don't have to take responsibility in her."

"Because I know what she feels, Leona." Said the female. "You do, too."

Dorothea was not in the mood to argue right now, not when Charlotte was still not in her embrace. As long as she's not aware of her safety, she can't just sit still and entertain this prince.

"Look, if you want entertainment, the ballroom is just around that block." Said Dorothea. "I don't want to waste my time talking to you now, would I?"

The green-eyed man glared at her, silently making her want to shut up. He was getting irritated that he couldn't say anything, and was about to respond when two pairs of tiny feet ran towards them.

Both looked over, and saw his nephew, with her niece.



"Charlotte!" The older princess was the first one to run over to the children, as she scans the little girl from head to toe. "Are you alright? I told you many times not to run around like that, especially with guests around."

"I'm fine, Aunt." Charlotte laughed, spinning around to prove she wasn't not scratched. "And you see, I found a new friend!"

The older female looked over at the smiling kid, his teeth showing, just a little.

"Indeed you have." She smiled, before standing up and stepping back just a few feet away. 

This was.. a different story. Although Dorothea can tease and mess with the second prince, she still needed to make sure her niece knows where her place was.

Because this boy was certainly not just any prince.

"Bow, Charlotte."

The little miss looked at her Aunt, clearly not wanting to do what she was told. She doesn't want to just act from his friend to his slave.

Why, all because he's a rank higher than her?

However, Charlotte cannot deny how her Aunt's glare was getting more and more deeper with each second.

So, she didn't have a choice, before she bowed rather gracefully.

"I greet the first prince of Sunset Savanna."

"Oh, no need to greet me like that!" The boy giggled. "I may be a rank a little higher, but you can always treat me like a friend, just like what you did earlier!"

The children laughed together after a bit, as Dorothea remained a smile on her face.

"At least Cheka knows manners." She said, earning a grumble from beside her.

"C'mon, Cheka, let's go."

"Can I bring Charlotte, Uncle Leona?"


That earned a small pout from the boy, but nonetheless followed his Uncle and went to the ballroom where the event was still held, yet not before waving a goodbye from the little princess.

"Oh, Aunt Thea. I think I'm in love!"

"Yeah, well stop thinking, for Seven's sake."

A short while after both prince's left, the princess's also followed their footsteps and went back before the Queen could question their absence and silently sat back on their chairs, from the table they were in earlier.

"He was so kind from when he first saw me, all the way to holding my hand so I wouldn't leave his sight!" Charlotte practically squealed in happiness as she said so. "Aunt Thea, a wedding in ten years awaits!"

"Now, hold it right there, young miss." Dorothea sighed, shoving a piece of cake in the girl's mouth. "If there's one advice I could give you, it's this; don't fall in love with a Kingscholar."

"And why not?" Charlotte mumbled, finishing the cake her Aunt gave.

"I can't believe I'm handing you love advice at this age." She sighed, before raising her head once more. "Well, as you can see, they're.. not human. And being with someone who's not human will create such rumors."

"I don't see a problem there, you know." Charlotte responded, playing with her golden spoon. "I receive rumors everyday just because I'm a second-born, so I don't mind another one being stacked up."

This girl.

"That won't be a problem for you, but for him it will be." Dorothea replied. "He's the first prince, so that would only mean his standards are literally off the roof, Charlotte. Other than looks, what can you offer him?"

"Let a princess dream, Aunt Thea."

"Just say you didn't have a comeback, darling."

The little girl wanted to whine, but due to the fact that she didn't want to make a commotion or cause a scene, she just chose not to and pouted very deeply that Lenore was certain her face will change their shape.

Feeling guilty, Dorothea was about to say something or hell, even apologize for winning the argument when Charlotte's mother, or should she also say her older sister, joined their table with a smile on their face.

Both the Aunt and niece looked at each other, wanting to debate who was going to entertain her, the Queen said something first.

"You have nothing to worry. Adam is with her father, so I thought maybe I could join the both of you, as just girls." Said Freya, still smiling. The whole 'mother' aura was really getting in their nerves.

The princess's gave a short giggle, before nodding. Giving each other a glance, they were silently telling each that they should work on their fake amusement, especially in front of the Queen herself.

"Well, it'll be an honor." Dorothea smiled lovingly, earning a brow raise from her niece. Quietly kicking the girl's chair, the elder princess remained smiling. "After all, it must've been difficult to manage so many guests this evening."

"Yes, they were quite a bundle of stress." Replied Freya, laughing. "Considering that we have different genders and ages here, handling them was a task."

"And you, Charlotte? Are you having fun?" She added.

Upon this, the little girl didn't want to entertain her mother at this moment but didn't have a choice. Finding something to talk about, her eyes lit up.

"Yes, it was amazing! In fact, I found the love of my life, mother." She giggled like a high school girl, when she's still a five year old child. "Cheka was so nice to me, and even walked me back to where Aunt was!"


"She means the son of the King and Queen of Sunset Savanna." Said Dorothea. "Please, just tell her that 'love' she's talking about will eventually fade. She's not listening to me."

"Oh, but I would like to think otherwise." Replied Freya, together with the grin she always wears when she's into something.

"What do you mean by that?" Dorothea asked, but sure enough, she already knows what she means. Her sister was always there despite her not wanting to, and she was aware of everything that happened in her life.

"I mean, the second prince was once your betrothed, correct?" When Freya said that, everything felt like it stopped, and the only thing Dorothea could hear was the way Charlotte's spoon fell from her hold.

"Leona Kingscholar was your ex-fiancé."

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