5. Maybe Congratulations!

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I was hunched over the toilet of the gas station bathroom, emptying my stomach, with my hair pushed back by my hands.
When I was finished puking, I groaned and wiped the sweat from my forehead, flushed the toilet, then stood up to wash my hands.

I didn't realise how much of an effect this situation really had on me. I've never actually puked over something unless I was sick, so this was unusual..

I also don't know why my stomachs been hurting, i thought it was period cramps, but I'm not bleeding? It must just be something I ate yesterday, I knew that salmon looked a bit dodgy..

I walked out of  the bathroom, bought a pack of gum to get rid of the taste and left the store, while Phil was filling the car up, talking with Stu.
"Oh, no, we're fuckin' not." I heard Phil firmly dismiss what Stu said, as I approached closer.

"What? What is it?" I asked, looking between the two. "This fucking idiots saying we should go to the police." Phil pointed to Stu, as my brows furrowed.
"Are you insane? Did you not hear that guy? He could kill Doug!" I reminded him.

"He will kill Doug, period." Phil corrected, without thinking, making my heart sink at the reality. And now my fucking stomachs jumping again, thanks a lot, Phil.

"Chow is a cancer. He has been a cancer since the first day we met him. So we're gonna hand him over to this guy Marshall, and then it's done." Phil assertively explained, as Alan approached us.

"Hey, Phil." Alan called over, as Phil brushed him off. "Alan, not now. But I need you Stu. I can't do this alone." Phil tried to persuade Stu.

"Do what alone? We have no idea where he even is." Stu reminded him, as I sighed and rubbed my temples. "Phil." Alan tried to get his attention once again.

"What, Alan?" Phil gave in, looking over to Alan.
"Well, I was just gonna say, I got this strange e-mail the other day. I wasn't sure what it meant, but now I think it might be from Chow." Alan informed us, as Phil took the phone from him and began reading the message aloud.

"Fatty, feels good to be out. I'm close by. Tell no one. I'll be in touch. Chow." Stu and I looked so Alan confused, the three of us intrigued until Phil said Chow. "Really? It might be from Chow?" I sarcastically ask Alan, shaking my head.

"This says "Chow" How did you not know this was from Chow?" Phil asked, pointing at Alan's phone.
"At the time, I thought it was "Chow," like "goodbye." You know, like, "Chow, arrivederci." You know, Sbarro, Papa John's." Alan continued, as we just looked at him.

"I'm writing him back." Phil said, before Alan finished. "Woah, wait, wait. Just hold on." Stu objected, while Phil ignored him.
"Gonna tell him that you're happy he's out and that you'd love to see him." Phil explained, as he typed, while Alan sucked on a ring pop.

"Ooh, I would love to see him." Alan said, as Stu and I glared over at him. "Do you even know what's going on?" Stu asked him, irritated.
"Yes, I do. Phil's doing all the work, I'm his assistant, Evelyn's being pretty and smart and you're standing there lookin' like an idiot." Alan told Stu, as I smiled slightly, raising my brows smugly at Stu, who just rolled his eyes, causing me to grin.

"I'm gonna arrange a meeting, and we're gonna take him out." Phil told us, as Stu and I furrowed our brows at him.
"Take him out? Who says that?" Stu asked.
"Who do you think you are? Double-0-7?" I joked, prompting Stu to snort a laughter and Phil to roll his eyes.

"Very funny." Phil humourlessly laughed.
"How do we take someone out?" Stu asked, as we looked to Phil.

"We'll use drugs." Phil replied, after a moment of thinking. "Prescription drugs. You know, the kind a dentist has access to." Phil continued, nudging Stu's shoulder, as he walked over to the car, to take the nozzle out of it.

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