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Edgardo groaned and wiped the tears that kept threatening to fall but he wiped it away.

“Godness, why?” He fumed his hand into  a tight bump as they burned the carriage of  Phoenix's mother corpse away.
“My Queen,” he mumbled sadly.

“Phoenix!!!” Camila screamed in tears beside him as the people of the Mesula did the proper ritual they always do for any lost body.

    After the whole ritual, it's already late night as Edgardo stood by the river thinking about the tragedy that befell his King's wife and daughter queen, he had sworn to protect. He couldn't even find Phoenix's corpse.

“Why do you keep calling her Your Queen?” He Jolted when he heard a voice beside which turns out to be from Layzal.

“Why are you here?” Edgardo asked with no smiling face but Layzal softly chuckled.
“I mean no harm” he said but Edgardo scoffed.

“I don't like you. The last I checked,you were a stranger, you don't talk to anybody. Why Phoenix? What did you do to her!”  He was  in anger but Layzal only had a smirk dancing on his lips.

“Why? What did I do to her? You think I would harm her or what?” he scoffed but Edgardo turned to him, pulling his collar violently.

“Why are you the first person to be at the scene? Who are you?” Edgardo gritted but Layzal swatted his hand away.
“Silly thinking, I did nothing and by the way, She is not dead” Edgardo's eyes blinked on their own rapidly.

“She is not dead? Who? Phoenix” he became alerted immediately and Layzal nodded.
“Yes, she is still alive, I couldn't find her during the fire outbreak” Edgardo mouth agape due to the surprise news.

“Tell me, where is she?” He asked but Layzal only smirked.
“You should answer my first question too” He reminded and that is when Edgardo knew what he was up to.

“What are you?” Edgardo scoffed at his trick but he only shrugged.
“I'm just Layzal, now answer my question”
He smirked again but Edgardo shook his head. 
He can't uncover their identities this way.


Alpha sat quietly and watched the elder talks but his mind is far away from whatever they are talking about.
His ear started erecting to Phoenix's speech.

“Husband my foot, how could be said that? Like what really happened? How did I end up here? And  why can't I remember what really happened?”

Stomping her feet on the ground, she groaned and tried to open the door but it's locked.

“I don't even know him, why am I stuck here?” she hissed feeling nothing but anger.

Olcan stays quiet as he listens to every single thing she is ranting about. The elders noticed Olcan lost in everything they'd said not until they were brought back to attention.

“Olcan” one of them called but they found it more so surprising when they saw a smirk dance at the corner of his lips.

“Should I jump off this Window? Or is it too high? But I need to see my mother! And even Camila!” She groaned and that made Olcan smirk again.

“Olcan” he only jolted when he realized the elders had been calling his name. The truth is, he didn't hear anything they talked about.

“Everything you said is good, as long as it favors everyone in the packs and also prepares for my wedding in two nights, I want to be coupled with my Luna.” With that, he stood up and walked away.

“Has he found his mate? ” Elder Guan asked but they only shrugged and whispered.


He entered his chamber and met Phoenix at the edge of the window, he scoffed “Are you really being serious right now?”

“Yes! I have to go back to my people. You are my husband or what? I don't even know you! I only love Layzal!” She thundered and Olcan nodded twice before giving her go ahead.

“Go ahead, escape if you can,Hhh” his voice sounded more cold than before. Phoenix scrunched her face in surprise.
“What is he planning?” She thought in her head but then thought probably he really wants to let her go.

“Bye” she jumped off the window, though she almost broke her leg waist but she stood up and ran into the midst of the people.

“You really want to let her go?” Lucian appeared behind Olcan as he took off his robe and changed into something light.
“I'm giving her a chance to escape though she can't,” he said and laid on his bed, closing his eyes.

“Are you sleeping?But you have to bring her to the Alpha's Mother” he recalled but Olcan gave no response. He huffed and walked out of his chamber.

His breath skipped immediately he bumped into Alpha's mother.
“Alpha's mother” he bowed and she turned to him.
“Don't you inform her? Why hasn't she come to pay her respect?” She asked but Lucian rolled his eyes searching for the perfect lies to tell her but is that possible. She can definitely read his mind

“Alpha let go of her” She turned to him in surprise but he did not dare look back.
“Let go of her? What do you mean? Is she not the chosen one? What was Olcan thinking?” She almost yelled but Lucian said nothing.

“I should see him” she was about to barge in but Lucian stopped her.
“I'm afraid you can't, he is fast asleep” She scoffed before walking away in anger.
Lucian looked back at the door and sighed.

“I wonder what he is thinking”

Phoenix ran through the midst of people not bothering to look at any of them face to face though she noticed how weird the people are but that is not the main important thing to her. She just needed to escape, she wanted to go back to her mother.

She found herself in the thick jungle.
“Damn! How am I supposed to find my way back to Mesula?”  she groaned looking around but then made up her mind to continue her journey. She must have escaped but she stopped dead when a growl came out of nowhere.

Her eyes widened when her eyes met with the same green deadly eyeball.
Her Breath skipped and that made her fall to the ground.

The wolf started moving closer and that made her unconsciously move back.
“Go away from me” she said in fear, still moving back. Tears are already forming in her eyes.
“Why is this happening to me? I don't know how I got here and now this!”  she sobbed.

“Go away!” She screamed but the wolf moved closer to her and that got her eyes closed in fear that the wolf was ready to devour her into boneless.

“You are my mate and you are bound to be with me” Her eyes opened slowly and what happened made her shocked that she couldn't believe her eyes.

The wolf transformed into Olcan, he stood still staring down at her soaked in her tears.

“What…what ..what… are you? What did you just do?” She shuttered and Olcan bent down to her but she moved back in fear.

“I'm the Alpha and you are my mate. You belongs to me now and also our wedding will happen tomorrow”

“What?” Phoenix couldn't believe her ears….

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