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        💎(WOLVES KINGDOM)💎

Tears sprinkled in her eyeballs like a twinkling star as she found herself back in Olcan's Chamber. She gulped down deeply as she came into reality of what is happening to her presently.

“You…you are the wolf?” She found asking but Olcan replied nothing as his gaze only glued to her.
“Mated to you? No way, This is crazy ... .What was I saying? This is bullshit” she ranted but that doesn't even stop the tears from rolling down her face even as she tried to stop them but they came heavily.

“Don't freaking shit me! I can't belong here!” Her hand grabbed the flower vase on his table in mind to throw it across the wall but it hung which shocked her.

“I don't like my things getting touched by anyone or ruined, what are you doing now?” His cold voice almost made her fall to the ground but she replied nothing,just her tears doing the talking.

“You belong here and there is nothing that can change that. Soon, the maids will be here to dress you up. You need to pay your respect to Alpha's mother” with that he walked past her out of the door.

Phoenix couldn't keep up standing as her knees wobbled in tears.
“This is not happening…Mom? Camila? Even the guy I love. I'm not gonna see them anymore”  she mumbled in realization of what was really happening to her.

“You can't do this to me!” She stood up rushing to the door, thinking probably a beg will do but the door opened Instead and two young ladies in the same attire entered with some materials.

“At your service,Luna” they bowed and dropped the materials on the bed.
They tried to touch her but she snapped their hands away trying to run out of the room but the door was locked.

“What do you guys do?” She yelled but they moved closer to her, dragging her by arms.

“Forgive us, Luna but the Alpha said we mustn't let you out of our sight until we dress you up”
“Let's go, you dimwit!”


Elder Guan walked into his place with a long face. “What’s the problem My husband?” His wife asked immediately as he walked into their room.

“I'm very disturbed, I'm just coming from the palace and the rumors was that Alpha has seen his mate” Ariana, his wife's eyes widened in surprise “mate? No way, what about our daughter? I thought…” her speech diminished as she realized what will happen if the rumors happen to be true.

“Our daughter should be Luna, No way, the same fate is going to happen again, I think he is mated to a human” he replied and that made Ariana scoff unbelievably.

“It can never happen! His mate has to be one of the family, my daughter to be precise” she disagrees standing on her feet.

“Have you seen what the mate looks like?” She asked but Elder Guan shook his head in negative.

“I've not, he said we should prepare for the wedding by tomorrow” another shock expression appeared on Ariana's face immediately he said that.

“Tomorrow!” She exclaimed out of surprise…..

No way, the wedding is happening!

          💎(MESULA VILLAGE)💎

“So what you are telling me is that they took her? Those bloody assholes! They came for her!” Edgardo groaned and that made Layzal scoff.

“Why did you hide the fact that they are from a royal trait? The true bloodline of the fire Palace? I knew it right from the start, Something is special about her '' Layzal muttered beside her after Edgardo narrated the whole tragedy that befell the Arizona kingdom.

“I need to save her!” Edgardo suddenly stood up but Layzal stopped him.
“Silly, you need to use your head! You think you can go against them all” He said but Edgardo shook his head.

“I don't freaking care right now! I need to save her!” He snapped but Layzal scoffed.
“With what? Tell me what you have?” Layzal asked and Edgardo lit up fire with his hand, his eyes also turned into blue with a glint of fire.

“With this, I need to save the Princess from them!” he said but Layzal rolled his eyes at his actions.

“with this? Can you save her with this?” He scoffed and that is when Edgardo died from the fire and looked at Layzal stunningly.

“Who are you truly?” He asked while Layzal only smirked.
“Let's save her together”........

Camila covered her mouth as she overheard the whole conversations between them.

“Royal family??” She gasped on realizing what that really means.
“Phoenix is a…..” her heart stopped instantly a figure appeared in front of her.
Her eyes widened in shock, she swirled her head to look If she is dreaming but it's not. How did he get in front of her without walking or anything?

“What…what are you?” She shuttered but Layzal only smirked.

Edgardo was so surprised as Layzal suddenly vanished in front of him.
“What the hell?” He mumbled looking around.

“Tell me, how much do you hear?” Layzal asked Camila but she was too shocked to even reply to him and she asked him again. “How...did…..How did you get here?” she asked and he glued his gaze into her.

“You should not put yourself into danger” he told her and made her pass out.
“Edgardo, here” he called out to Edgardo and that's when Edgardo turned to him. His eyebrows furrowed at Layzal’s sudden disappearance.

“How did you..” before he could finish his speech, Layzal cut him off.
“She will not remember anything after she wakes up” he said and carried her then threw her over his shoulder. Edgardo still had this confused look,  Layzal was about walking away with Camila but he stopped him.

“Layzal, who are you truly?” He asked and that is when Layzal smirks as usual, his eyeball changes Into a red causing his fang to be so obvious together with his long fingers.

Edgardo gasped in surprise “You people really existed? Bloody vampire?” ……

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