Chapter 3

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"Academic Heights and Playboy Plights: Raghav's Golden Bird Venture"

The Singhania mansion gleamed with opulence as guests swirled in the grandeur of the extravagant party. Raghav, the charismatic playboy of the family, sauntered in, his presence commanding attention. The air was filled with laughter, clinking glasses, and the soft hum of conversations.

As the family gathered for a perfect family photo, the tensions beneath the glittering surface began to surface. Raghav joined his parents, his chiseled features forcing a fake smile. Zoey, the exuberant younger brother, gleefully approached with his boyfriend Gautam, hoping to capture the perfect family moment.

However, Raghav's arrogance and temper took center stage. With a smirk playing on his lips, he sneered at Gautam, "Oh, look who decided to crash the family album. Newsflash, Zoey, he's not family. He's just your charity case for a soon-to-be failed marriage."

Zoey, hurt but resilient, shot back, "He's my choice, Raghav bhaiya. You might want to try making choices based on love, not conquests."

Raghav, rolling his eyes dramatically, fired back, "Love? Please, Zoey, you're living in a fairy tale. Marriage is about power, alliances, and legacy. Something you clearly don't understand."

Gautam, maintaining his composure, retorted, "Maybe it's you who doesn't understand, Raghav. Love is a force stronger than any legacy."

The tension thickened, prompting Mr. Singhania to step in. "Raghav, enough! This is not the time or place. We're a family, and we stand together."

Raghav, unyielding, chuckled, "Sure, Dad, but not with him in our 'perfect family photo.' So, what's it going to be? Your golden boy or this outsider?"

Mrs. Singhania, her voice tinged with desperation, pleaded with Raghav, "Raghav, please, not in front of the guests. Think about the family's reputation."

Raghav, with a dismissive wave of his hand, retorted, "Reputation, Mom? I don't see why Gautam's feelings should be more important than mine. He's just a nobody."

Zoey, now teary-eyed, tried to reason, "Bhaiya, please, let Gautam be in the photo. He's important to me."

Raghav, seizing the opportunity to hurt, sneered, "Important? Zoey, you're so blinded by your little fantasies. He's just using you."

The comment struck a nerve, but before Zoey could react, Raghav escalated further. "And let's not forget, Zoey, you're always playing the victim. Grow up! Being adopted doesn't change a thing. Stop being so insecure and crying at the drop of a hat. You act like the world owes you something just because you're not a 'real' Singhania. Well, newsflash, it doesn't! So, stop being a burden and ruining family moments with your constant sobbing. Nobody cares about your adopted sob story."

The words were like venom, and Zoey, hurt and heartbroken, could only stare at his elder brother in shock. Mr. Singhania's patience reached its limit, the rich, lavish party took an unexpected turn as an infuriated Mr. Singhania delivered a resounding slap across Raghav's face. The guests, initially caught in the spectacle, fell into stunned silence.

The tension hung thick in the air as Raghav, though momentarily taken aback, quickly composed himself. His eyes scanned the faces of the onlookers, registering their collective surprise and judgment. Without a word, Raghav cast a final, resentful look at his mother, then made a swift exit from the party.

The grand Singhania gathering, meant for celebration, now lingered in the aftermath of a family storm. In the dimly lit driveway, Raghav took out his anger on his car, landing a series of furious punches. The metallic thuds echoed in the silence of the night as he called his friend Adhvik, desperately seeking refuge from the chaos of his family. "Adhvik, you won't believe the drama I just created at the party. It's suffocating. Can I crash at your place for a while?"

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