Chapter 14

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"Lessons in Grace: Sparsh's Magic in the School Corridor"

In the sprawling University campus, Sparsh strolled gracefully, his every step a dance of elegance and poise. Ignoring the persistent presence of Raghav, who trailed behind him like a shadow, Sparsh engaged warmly with passersby, exchanging pleasantries and light-hearted banter.

Meanwhile, Raghav, fueled by frustration and wounded pride, seethed with anger as Sparsh continued to evade him. His ego bruised, Raghav muttered under his breath, "Fine, Sparsh. Enjoy your little game. But when we're alone, I'll make sure you remember who you're dealing with. It's time for a lesson in respect."

Just as Raghav contemplated leaving, Adhvik approached with a mischievous grin. "Hey there, Raghav! How's the day treating you?" he greeted, feigning innocence.

Annoyed by Adhvik's presence, Raghav responded curtly, "Same old, Adhvik. Just another day in this madhouse."

Undeterred by Raghav's brusque demeanor, Adhvik persisted, probing into Raghav's recent activities. "Seriously, Raghav, what's the deal? You've been unusually quiet on the extracurricular front. No wild sex stories or scandalous encounters. Is everything okay?"

Raghav, maintaining his enigmatic composure, responded with a scoff. "Just taking a break, Adhvik. Not every day is a party day."

Adhvik, undeterred and more curious than ever, raised an eyebrow and leaned in, his tone dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Break? You? Come on, Raghav, spill the beans. I know you better than you think. You...Raghav Singhnia is a, a fuckboy of every night. Why the sudden change in routine? Is there some secret you're keeping from your dear friend?"

Raghav's gaze hardened, but Adhvik pressed on, sensing there was more to the story. "Is there a new flame in your life? Or are you just pulling a stunt to make everyone curious? Enlighten me, my mysterious friend. The suspense is killing me."

Raghav, irritated by Adhvik's persistent questioning, shot back, "Not everything is your business, Adhvik. I don't need to explain my life to you."

Adhvik, enjoying every bit of Raghav's discomfort, chuckled and said, "Fair enough, my friend. But you can't blame me for being intrigued. It's not every day I see the great Raghav Singhania taking a hiatus from his usual sexual escapades. Something's definitely cooking in that complicated mind of yours."

With a scowl, Raghav snapped, "Enough, Adhvik! I don't need your constant interference

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With a scowl, Raghav snapped, "Enough, Adhvik! I don't need your constant interference. Go and focus on your mother's museums or whatever nonsense keeps you busy. Stop poking your nose where it doesn't belong."

Adhvik's patience wore thin as he finally grew tired of Raghav's arrogance. With a roll of his eyes, he shot back, "You know what, Raghav? I've had enough of your attitude. I'll leave you to your little pity party. Enjoy your brooding. I have better things to do than waste my time on someone who can't even handle a simple question. I'm here for someone else today."

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