Chapter 15

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"Exposed Hearts: A Naked Encounter of Love and Laughter"

In the cozy ambiance of the café, Sparsh, Hobi, and Abhay sat sipping their coffees, the steam rising in delicate swirls around them. "Honestly, guys, what's the deal with Mr. Raghav?" Hobi blurted out, his words tumbling over each other in his eagerness.

Sparsh raised an eyebrow, surprised by Hobi's sudden inquiry about their headmaster. "Mr. Raghav?" Hobi continued, undeterred by Abhay's disapproving glare. "I always thought he was, you know, the golden boy of the Singhania empire. But now I'm not so sure..."

Sparsh's delicate features softened as he listened to Hobi's confession, while Abhay's irritation grew evident.

"Let me tell you something, Hobi," Abhay interjected, his voice dripping with disdain. "Being around Raghav Singhania is like being caught in a whirlwind of arrogance and ego. He's not just a playboy; he's downright heartless. That man is nothing but a pompous, arrogant windbag," Abhay declared, his words resonating with a deep-seated hatred. 

"He struts around like he owns the entire universe, but let me tell you, he's nothing more than a heartless tyrant. He thinks he's God's gift to the Golden Bird, but all he's ever done is use people like pawns in his little games. It's not just about being a Fuckboy; it's about how he revels in breaking hearts and crushing spirits. The man's a toxic storm of arrogance and cruelty."

The café fell silent as Abhay recounted tales of Raghav's callous behavior, his words painting a vivid picture of a man consumed by his own sense of superiority. "And that poor girl over there," Abhay gestured towards a table where a distraught girl sat, her tears staining her cheeks. "She's just the latest victim of his cruelty."

Sparsh's heart ached with empathy for the girl, his own guilt weighing heavily on him for ever associating with Raghav. "I always thought he was just assertive, you know? Like a real go-getter," Hobi rambled, trying to process Abhay's revelations. "But this... I never signed up for a soap opera with a villainous headmaster!"

Abhay rolled his eyes at Hobi's theatrics but couldn't help but crack a small smirk. "Trust me, Hobi, this is no drama series. Raghav Singhania is as real as it gets, and unfortunately, so are his dirty deeds," Abhay asserted, his tone stern.

Hobi, still shivering, shot a nervous glance towards the distraught girl at the nearby table. "I think I need to reconsider my definition of assertive," he muttered under his breath.

Sparsh, a bit scared, couldn't help but ask, "Abhay, how do you know so much about Mr. Raghav Singhania?"

Abhay leaned back, his gaze distant, as if recalling a distasteful memory. "I have some friends from my old college, and there's a guy at the nearby bar, which happens to be owned by Raghav's dad. They keep me updated on Raghav's antics."

Sparsh, shocked by the extent of Abhay's knowledge, couldn't conceal his disbelief. "But why? Why do you keep tabs on him?"

Abhay's expression darkened. "I'm not someone who enjoys sticking his nose into others' business, but Raghav is something else. Girls and boys, my friend from the bar, came running to me, telling how Raghav and his buddy Adhvik played with their hearts. Raghav, leaving them high and dry after just having oral with them, making them question their worth. And Adhvik, pretending to be the perfect partner, only to ghost them after getting what he wanted."

Sparsh's eyes widened in shock and disappointment. "That's horrendous! How could someone be so heartless?"

Abhay nodded grimly. "Exactly. Some of my friends even asked me to let them suck my dick... practice with me first before meeting Raghav. Said they wanted to impress him and not be cast aside like the others."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13 ⏰

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