Chapter 8

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"A Symphony of Wisdom: Sparsh's Debut in Education"

As Sparsh finished speaking, he noticed a wise-looking lady standing nearby, listening intently to their conversation. Her eyes glistened with unshed tears, and a soft smile graced her lips as she approached them. "Young one," she addressed Sparsh,"your words touched my heart. Your love for your baby is truly a guiding light."

Sparsh, humbled by the unexpected compliment, nodded graciously. "Thank you, ma'am. Love is a powerful force that binds us all."

AsSparsh and the wise lady exchanged smiles, Tommy and Lucy's eyes widened in surprise. "Granny!" they exclaimed in unison, their faces lighting up with joy.

Mrs.Singhania, their beloved Granny, chuckled at their reaction, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "Surprised to see me, are you?" she teased, pulling them into a warm embrace.

Tommy and Lucy, overcome with happiness, hugged their Granny tightly, showering her with apologies and declarations of love. "We missed you, Granny!" they cried, their voices filled with genuine affection.

"I missed you both too," Mrs. Singhania said, her voice choked with emotion. "But I'm so glad to see you safe and sound."

Sparsh, watching the heartwarming reunion unfold before him, couldn't help but smile."Granny, this Mr. Stranger was really nice. He helped us when we were lost, and he even showed us pictures of his cute baby boy, Shubh," Lucy explained, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Mrs.Singhania, grateful for Sparsh's kindness, turned to him with a warm smile."Thank you, dear one. You've been a guardian angel for my grandchildren." 

Sparsh,his eyes reflecting sincerity, replied, "It was my pleasure, dear ma'am They're like my own kids, and it's my responsibility to look out for them. As a teacher, guiding and caring for my students is not just a job—it's my passion."

Mrs.Singhania nodded appreciatively, touched by Sparsh's dedication. "You have a kind heart, young one. May you always find joy and love on your journey."

Encouraged by the warm exchange, Mrs. Singhania extended the conversation. "By the way, my dear, I am Geetanjali Singhania, wife of the business tycoon behind Singhania Groups. It's a pleasure to meet someone with such a compassionate heart. Bowing to me is not necessary; I appreciate the respect, though."

Sparsh, slightly overwhelmed by the revelation of Mrs. Singhania's identity, bowed respectfully once again. "It's an honor to meet you, Mrs. Singhania. I am Akarsha Sparsh, and I feel truly privileged to be here in your presence. I am going to be a teacher at Golden Bird University, and it's delightful to have crossed paths with you."

Mrs. Singhania, delighted to learn more about Sparsh, smiled warmly. "A teacher! How wonderful! Shaping young minds is a noble endeavor. You have my utmost respect, dear Sparsh."

Sparsh, touched by Mrs. Singhania's words, replied with gratitude, "Thank you, Mrs. Singhania. I believe in the power of education to inspire and uplift. It's a journey I'm eagerly looking forward to."

Lucy and Tommy chimed in unison, "We want Mr. Stranger as our new teacher!" They giggled, their innocence echoing through the air.

Mrs. Singhania laughed along with them. "Oh, is that so? Well, Mr. Stranger, it seems you've already gained some enthusiastic students."

Sparsh couldn't help but laugh at their adorable demand. "Well, I'll certainly consider it if the opportunity arises," he said with a playful wink, earning another round of giggles from the twins.

Before they could continue their delightful banter, Mrs. Singhania's phone rang, interrupting the moment. With a regretful smile, she turned to Sparsh. "I'm afraid duty calls, my dear. It's time for us to bid farewell for now. Lucy, Tommy, say goodbye to Mr. Stranger."

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