Chapter 13

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"Tales in the Wind: Sparsh's Disappointment in Raghav's Tune"

Raghav entered his penthouse, weary from the day's trials, but unable to shake off the image of Sparsh from his mind. It was a foreign sensation for him, this nagging concern and guilt that seemed to cling to him like an unwelcome shadow.

Stripping off his coat and tie, he headed for the shower, hoping the rush of water would cleanse him of his thoughts. Yet, even as the steam enveloped him, he couldn't escape Sparsh's presence in his mind.

Frustrated, he stepped out of the shower and faced his reflection in the mirror. "Sorry," he muttered, the word feeling awkward and unfamiliar on his lips. He tried again, rehearsing what he would say to Sparsh, but each attempt fell flat, leaving him more exasperated than before.

After donning fresh clothes for the night, Raghav found himself once again standing before the mirror, steeling himself to apologize. "Sorry, Sparsh," he muttered, but the words seemed to stick in his throat, refusing to come out.

With a frustrated sigh, he paced the room, running a hand through his hair in agitation. How could something as simple as saying sorry be so damn difficult?

Suddenly, Sparsh gracefully entered the penthouse, his presence immediately drawing Raghav's attention. Raghav, who had just issued his somewhat awkward apology into the mirror, hastily tried to compose himself. Sparsh smiled warmly, the corners of his eyes crinkling with genuine affection.

"Hey, Raghav! I brought groceries for dinner," Sparsh announced, revealing bags filled with vegetables and essentials. "Mind giving me a hand? Dinner will be ready soon."

Raghav, still grappling with his newfound determination to apologize, nodded eagerly, following Sparsh around like an obedient puppy. He clumsily tried to assist, all the while nervously glancing at Sparsh.

Sparsh noticed Raghav's peculiar behavior and couldn't resist teasing him. "Raghav, is something bothering you? You seem a bit... jumpy."

Caught off guard, Raghav fumbled over his words, attempting to conjure a plausible excuse

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Caught off guard, Raghav fumbled over his words, attempting to conjure a plausible excuse. "Uh, no, nothing. Just had a hectic day. That's all."

Sparsh raised an eyebrow, clearly amused by Raghav's nervous antics. "You sure? You're acting like you've seen a ghost or something."

Raghav let out a forced laugh, the tension palpable. "No ghosts, Sparsh-ie. Just... life."

As Sparsh regaled Raghav with tales of his day, his expressions and gestures painted a vivid picture. Each anecdote was delivered with a touch of humor and grace, and Raghav found himself genuinely captivated by Sparsh's storytelling.

Sparsh, noticing Raghav's engagement, decided to tease him further. "You know, Raghav, sometimes I feel like I should start a comedy show. The way my colleagues and I get into hilarious situations—it's like living in a sitcom."

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