Chapter 10

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"Ripples of Conflict: Zoey's Choices, Raghav's Fury"

Sparsh raced out of Raghav's office, his heart pounding in his chest. Raghav's harsh words echoed in his mind, leaving a bitter taste in his mouth. As he sprinted through the corridors of Golden Bird University, Sparsh felt a whirlwind of emotions—fear, confusion, and the overwhelming weight of uncertainty.

Desperation etched across his face, Sparsh barged into the nearest room he could find, the auditorium. The class inside had just ended, leaving the room seemingly deserted. With trembling hands, Sparsh locked the door behind him, seeking refuge from the storm that had unfolded in Raghav's office.

Alone in the dimly lit auditorium, Sparsh sank onto the nearest seat, feeling the weight of the day pressing down on him. He buried his face in his hands, on the verge of tears, unsure of what the future held for him in this prestigious yet tumultuous university.

Just as Sparsh began to contemplate his next move, his eyes widened in shock. Before him stood a man, shirtless and clad in jeans, engaged in the act of changing. Sparsh gasped, instantly regretting his choice of hiding in this particular room.

The man, tall, handsome, and exuding an air of manliness, turned around to face Sparsh. A raised eyebrow and a smirk crossed his face as he took in Sparsh's appearance. "Oh, apologies for the impromptu peep show. I usually charge for that," the man quipped, his tone a blend of amusement and teasing.

Sparsh, desperate to escape the awkward situation, stumbled over his words in an attempt to apologize

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Sparsh, desperate to escape the awkward situation, stumbled over his words in an attempt to apologize. "Oh, I—I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to intrude. I was just looking for a place to hide, and I had no idea—"

The man chuckled, interrupting Sparsh's apologetic rambling. "Well, you certainly found a spot with a view. A bit unexpected, but I guess it's all in good fun."

As Sparsh continued to stammer out his apologies, he fumbled with the doorknob, desperately trying to open the door to make a hasty retreat. His panic was palpable, each failed attempt at escape only adding to the comedic absurdity of the situation.

"Easy there, no need to rush off," the man said, stepping closer and blocking Sparsh's way to the door. "You've stumbled into the lion's den, my friend. Or should I say, the changing room. You might want to knock next time."

Sparsh, mortified and still fidgeting with the door, managed to utter, "I-I will. I'm really sorry. I'll just leave now."

The man, enjoying Sparsh's predicament, flashed a grin. "No harm done, really. Just remember to knock, or who knows what surprises await you. Besides, it's not every day we get an accidental audience."

Determined to make a graceful exit, Sparsh continued to fumble with the doorknob. Finally looking up at the man, Sparsh hesitated before gathering the courage to speak.

"Um, excuse me," Sparsh stammered, "Could you, um, please open the door for me?"

The man, still reveling in Sparsh's discomfort, sauntered closer. Rather than opening the door, he inquired with a teasing glint in his eye, "So, who might you be? A new student here?"

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