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Kristin's POV

'And then he lied about it?' Skyler nods her head, drunk. She called me randomly a day ago and asked me to come over, that she wanted to talk about something. 

I know that Joshua wouldn't cheat on her and would definitely not lie about it, but I need to give him time to cook. I need to let both of them cook. 

'It's okay, honey, you can find better men.' No, you can't. Joshua is perfect for you, but I need to play along so she doesn't slice my neck with a broken wine glass and so that she doesn't do anything extreme and gives him time to fix it all. 

She might be respected, but not by the people who really know her. A normal person would think that she might seem the type to be the bigger person in an argument, but people like me, her best friends, would know that she's really a small and petty bitch and she enjoys it with all her heart. But she's my small and petty bitch and she can enjoy it as long as she doesn't touch my food.

'I need a new boyfriend.' Aaand she's doing something extreme. 'HEY, YOU THERE! YEAH, YOU IN THE CORNER, THE DUDE WITH THE BLACK CURLS, COME HERE.' she screams to a man across the club, almost deafening me and possibly the entire club in the process. A few people shoot us dirty looks. A man walks up to her, probably the dude with the black curls.

'Well, aren't you a hot piece of-' He's shut up by Skyler's hand covering his mouth.

'Shut- zzst, shut shut shut. Where are you from?' The man tries to speak but Skyler doesn't remove her hand from his mouth. He points at it and Skyler laughs. 'I didn't realize my hand was still there- AHAHAAH'. I bet a million dollars she gets possessed when she's drunk.

They talk for a while, as I order another pint of beer, which eventually ends in him leaving the club with a slap imprinted on his face for 'trying to steal Joshua's girl.' It's stupid how she doesn't realize that he would never do anything like what she's thinking. All the way to the MLP convention and back, all he'd talked to me about was her. Even I know he's been set up, somehow. But Skyler currently has no chill. It's stupid how she doesn't even realize how much she adores him. I can tell she's genuinely hurt by what happened yesterday, but I know that it's gonna be fine. 

All I need to do is take care of her emotionally right now. And probably that she doesn't throw up on the bartender's shoes.

'Let's go honey. You've had too much to drink today.' I put her arm over my shoulder, to try and carry her, even though she isn't trying herself. I'm practically dragging her to her building.

'I can't believe it, I can't believe him, I don't want this to happen.' She quickly wipes away a tear from her cheek, probably wishing I didn't notice. 

'Who knew that one of the few times you'd cry in front of me would be because of a boy?' We both chuckle a little at that. But she keeps speaking.

'He's not just a boy, Kristin. He's been fucking,' she bites her lips, eyes getting bloodshot, 'he's-' she looks up and her face looks so broken. 'He's been fucking- everything for about a month now.' Her voice cracks horribly. 'I don't want him to leave my life. I need him to stay, Kristin. I need him to be here, I don't care if we break up, or if he's ever toxic to me or if ever treats me like shit. I need him to be here at every cost. I don't think-' she starts sobbing. 'I don't think it's ever gonna be the same in my life, if he leaves and maybe I'm just overreacting, but it feels like the fucking end of the world and time is going so slow. I can feel every single fucking minute as it goes by, Kris.'

We enter the lift and I press her floor. We stay silent the whole time, except for the few times she'd gagged and I'd begged her to wait some more. The doors open and Joshua is standing right there in the hallway.

Joshua's POV

The doors to the elevator open and she's right there, hanging over Kristin's shoulders. I bet she had to drag her all the way here. Kris looks at me, sympathetically. I know she probably knows about what happened. I was on my way to go search for anything that could help me find Holden's location. 

Skyler's face is red from the cold, she isn't even wearing a jacket and it's pretty cold outside. 'Give her to me.' I sigh and pick Skyler up and she fights me. She hits me on the chest a bunch of times and kicks her legs in the air, trying to jerk my arms and make me drop her. 'LET ME GO, YOU MANWHORE.' I unlock the door to her apartment, taking the keys from her as she resists me. It's hard but I eventually steal them from her. I walk to her bathroom and let her go. She opens the door and slams it shut, locking it behind her. I hear vomiting sounds and some cusses at me.

Her footsteps go towards the bathroom door. She turns the handle aggressively about two or three times, then she starts sobbing. 'I'M LOCKED IN.' She cries, little sobs escaping.

'Have you tried turning the deadbolt?' She stop crying and I hear the sounds of the bathroom door unlocking. She emerges from behind the door. 'I knew that.' She runs to her bedroom and locks the door behind her. Hopefully she remembers what a deadbolt is in the morning. I leave her apartment when I hear her cough, I sigh and walk back to the bedroom door. 'Anything wrong in there?' She coughs some more, 'GO AWAY.' 

I put the extra key in and turn it. She's sitting on the bed, a cold draft filling the room. The window is open and her covers aren't even covering her, spread across the bed. I close the window and tell her to pull up her covers. I make my way towards the bedroom door and she shouts at me.

'WAIT-' I turn to face her, 'Close the door when you go.' I nod and close the door. I expected her to tell me not to leave, or to sit beside her, but she didn't. The sooner I find proof to back my truth, the sooner I get her back. The original Skyler.

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