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As the days unfolded, Y/n and Rin found themselves slowly rebuilding the bridge of their friendship. Casual conversations turned into shared smiles, and the familiar warmth of their camaraderie began to resurface.

Their growing closeness, however, didn't escape the notice of Aoi, who observed the changing dynamics with a keen eye.

Aoi couldn't help but feel a twinge of discomfort, a sense that Rin was slipping away from the connection she wished they had. The laughter, the shared glances – it all seemed to be a silent conversation that excluded her.

Aoi's gaze followed Rin and Y/n during breaks and after classes, witnessing the rekindling of a bond that she wasn't a part of.

In the quiet corridors and bustling hallways, she saw them laugh, share stories, and sometimes steal glances that spoke volumes.

As Aoi confronted her own feelings, a mix of jealousy and insecurity swirled within her. Rin's attention, once solely hers, now seemed to be divided.

Unfamiliar emotions tugged at Aoi's heart, and she found herself grappling with the reality that Rin might be building something with Y/n that she couldn't interrupt.

Aoi's frustration and jealousy intensified with each passing day, fueling a growing desire to take action against Y/n.

The swirling emotions within her began to cloud her judgment, and an unsettling determination took root.

One day, Aoi couldn't contain the bitterness any longer. In a misguided attempt to sabotage the growing connection between Rin and Y/n, she hatched a plan to spread rumors and create discord.

The whispers would be carefully crafted to cast doubt on their friendship, planting seeds of mistrust that might lead to their separation.

Aoi strategically dropped hints and insinuations, painting a picture of Y/n's intentions as less than innocent. The rumors hinted at clandestine meetings, secret confessions, and Y/n supposedly talking negatively about Rin behind his back.

As the rumors circulated through the school, they began to reach Rin's ears. Initially, he dismissed them, trusting the bond he was rebuilding with Y/n.

However, the persistent whispers started to gnaw at him, creating a cloud of doubt that hung over their interactions.

Y/n, unaware of the rumors, felt a growing distance from Rin. The laughter became more restrained, the conversations more guarded. The foundation they were rebuilding seemed to be crumbling, and Y/n couldn't understand why.

Kumi, with a concerned expression on her face, approached Y/n after overhearing some unsettling rumors circulating within the school.

"Hey, Y/n," Kumi began cautiously, "have you heard about the rumors going around? There's talk about you saying things... not so great about Rin."

Y/n, taken aback by the unexpected revelation, furrowed her brows in confusion. She shook her head, indicating that she had no prior knowledge of such rumors.

"No, Kumi, I haven't heard anything about that. What are people saying?" Y/n inquired, a mix of concern and surprise in her voice.

Kumi proceeded to share the details of the rumors, explaining how some students were spreading stories about Y/n supposedly talking negatively about Rin behind his back.

The news unsettled Y/n, and she couldn't comprehend why such baseless rumors would circulate.

As the rumors continued to circulate, Rin found himself caught in a dilemma, torn between trusting Y/n and the unsettling doubts fueled by the whispers around him.

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