lunch time

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When we went to the lunch room we saw some  thing  unexpected  my bestie  best friend  and  the prince  was together  and  she wave to her best friend  his name is clon ya his name sound weird  after that he come to us and say let's  sit  together,when I was about to  say no amie say "yes".I  look at her with disappointed face   clon"say come girls what are you waiting "with British  accent,then she hold my hand and went to their seat .  When I was about to seat with marta clon sit with her   and I seat with the prince, he smirked  at me and keep eating his food after 2 minutes  marta get up and say"let me get our food ", I nodded   and she  went to  get our food clon said"i will come with  you " and he get up and she nodded , God now me and the prince are sitting together ,  after 2 minutes  he say  "I do think clon like marta ", "I  don't know  but I do think  they Like  each other  "  , after that there was a big silent and he say "look"he look like he was about to tell me some thing but marta come and give me my food , then I say "thanks  marta  "and she say "no problem brokie  " ,and she keep talking  with Cole after that I say"what was the thing you were about  to talk ?" I ask  him he sigh and say" I  am  not a person  you think "and I  s ay "like you are rude ,act like prince,rich kid ohh I mean  spoiled  kid and who think they can get any thing any thing  at anytime  right" he say  "geez calm down  "and isay "ami wrong ?"I ask him and ''any way  I am trying  to  say I am not like that ok"and I say "really  if you are not prove it like look every body is looking  at you " he  laugh a little and say"its  because  I am handsome  " and I say "you" but for real he is handsome but you know I have to  prove I am  not like other  girls.when he was about  to  say   the bell rang and amie say "bye-bye ' and left .and I also getup and went to my class well the  prince is still sitting  with me after that I  went to my house . When I reach my home I do some thing I used to do like doing  some chores  and studying  After that  my mom and my dad Come  to our home and tell me to change my cloth  I say" why ?" They said we are celebrating  your brother  birthday I say   " ok "andwent to my room  they give me 2 hours  it is actually  enough  to finish. I choose  my  fancy black  short dress and  wear it and curl my hair and  wear perfume and some make up when I reach downstairs  all my family look at me and say I look good after  that  mom and went to my dad normal car  we are rich but my family didn't  spoiled me .I don't  regret  that  because  it give me the personality  I have now  when we arive  my dad open the door  for  my mom and  me and my brother open our own door  and went to this fancy hotel   when we were about to  order some thing  some musicians  come to us and sing happy  birthday  for my brother and he laugh you can see  he is happy   after that his cake and some fancy   champagne come to us  after 30 minutes  we order some food  and start eating after that when I was about to give my brother his gift my dad phone start ringing and mom look at him and he say  "sorry  it's  work phone "and get up and went outside and after 5 minutes  he come back with  4 people one of them was the  prince   when I look closer I see Mr Charlie  and his wife and there kid prince  when they arrive  to our  table Mr   Charlie  say "ok is this your  daughter " and my dad say "yes " I actually  get up from my seat and  shake my hand with  Mr Charlie and  say " hello  Mr Charlie  "and he say  "hi I hope he is not making  any  trouble  righthand I laugh gently and say" no he isn't  "and my dad say"do you know her Mr Charlie  "  "yes she is the vice president in my  son class and she was the one who  welcomed us she is very sweet girl  " then my mom say "sit please Mr  and Mrs " and the prince sit with me  after that they order some food and  my dad Mr Charlie  start talking  my mom with Mrs Charlie  and my brother  with Mike older brother   after that Mike said "you look good with short dress  "and smirk and I said "Is it a compliment  or suggestion  ?"I ask him  and he say "the 1st  one " and he say "I didn't  think  you were rich " I say"yea I am Rich but I don't  act like I am a girl who is always hiding  with her dad money  " after that we keep talking and when every body  was having fun I get up and say " I have to go "and my dad say  ok and when he was about to get up I said"i can get an ubber  don't  worry and Mr  Charles  say"no .Mike  get up and  drive her home  and make sure  she is safe ok" and Mike nodded  and my brother  wispher  to him saying  "don't touch her ok"and Mike say"dont worry  I don't  "and smile

Hope you like it 

Teaser  :one of them  asked out

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