the party

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I was so shocked I said "amie what the heck why didn't you tell Me " she said that she told me " I told you when that bitch did that thing and " I stopped her and clon said" and what ?" He asked her. I said " were you expecting to tell you " . He roll hid eyes and look at Mike they were wisphering some thing and Mike punch him in his stomach, at that time Brent come to our lunch table and say " amie " , amie get up quickly and hug Brent I swear to God clon was ready to punch him but I say " he is my cousin and he is her kindergarten bestie if you touch him you are dead ." I said that and sip my coke Brent sit beside me and Ben said " ok ok people I am throwing a party at my house tomorrow night will you come ." He asked us all of them say they can go but when they look at me I said " I can't come I have to study " all of them grown at me. And then amie say" if you don't come to the party no detail for the date thingy and you should show that man you can go out right " God I wanna know the detail about the date so I said yes anyway any one in our house is not in the house so it's better than being alone at home . I agreed and our lunch break was over so all of us went to our class . In the left period Mike was trying to hold my hand but I refuse he need that treatment for sure . After our class end I went to the house with Brent by his car and amie come after 10 minutes and we do a lot of fun things at the end of our night amie said she wanna pick my dress for tomorrow night so she went to my closet . While I was eating some popcorn that was leftover from our movie marathon my phone start ringing and it was Mike when I answer the phone Mike say " hello princess how are you ?" I said " did you call me just know that I am ok really?" I asked him he breath and say " look marine I was out partying last night because I have a fight with my dad and I didn't go home and i was drank I don't want to disturb you. That's why I didn't call you" I felt bad but I say " ok what about at the car ?" He said " you said to keep our thing in private That's why but I was about to tell you . I am sorry babe I will never do that again " he is a gentleman I said " I forgive you but if you dare to do anything stupid without me I will kill you ok prince " he laugh and say ' ok " I told him to come tomorrow at the bus stop one hour late from the normal day he pick me up and he say ok and we end the call and when I enter my room my bestie say " baby,prince bla bla " she was mocking me I went to my bed and she show me the dresses she choose I wore the black one so I chose the white one we sleep early and amie left early cause she have a date . And I slept little and. Wake up wear my baggy jeans and white shirt and left the home Brent was sleeping . I wrote a note for him and put it in his desk . When I arrive to the bus stop Mike was already there he look good I enter the car and tell him " i wanna drive " he agreed and we arrive the place I like the most it was the beach it look gorgeous Mike look at me and say " where did you find this place ?" I told him " I used to come here a lot until 10 years-old but my dad business hit up so he get a lot busy and I stop coming here I always spend my time if I am felling low or happy maybe love " he look at me and say " what are you felling now ?" I said " I don't know I just want you to see this Mike " we spent there for 5 hours and I said let's eat something . We get up and go to the nearest Cafe we eat some pizza and we left he buy me ice cream and we walk around the place when we arrive at the breach I put some ice cream on his face he was chasing me and I start running bit he caught me he put some in my nose and after that I get some napkins and I clean my nose and I start cleaning his face closely . He put his hand on my waist and lend to kiss me but I said " not know. " he didn't say anything . When we look at the Time it was already 1 pm we rush home and he left to his house when I arrive amie was there and Brent was ready. Amie say " girl you are late come now and change " I rush to my room and were my dress and amie did my make up and we left . When we arrive amie find clon and she left me Brent also left with Ben. I was looking for Mike but I couldn't find him well I was lonely and guess who come Jermy means my ex boyfriend he come to me and say " hello marine " what in the world does he think his self like a king asshole . Any way I said " leave me alone " and I was about to left but that jerk hold my hand hardly and come closer to me and say " shh girl cool . So what I cheat remember i am Jeremy I can do anything stupid I can fuck you even I want now ." When he said that I try to make me let go but he even hold me hardly and lend to kiss me I can smell the alcohol on his mouth I was actually afraid of him I wish Mike was here I am actually scared my heart is beating fast and I was scared but my savior come and punch Jeremy in his face when jermy about to punch him back Ben and Brent come behind Mike and jermy left saying " I will catch you princess " my leg start shaking and Mike hold me at my back and he hug me saying " calm down princess . I am here " he said that taping my back I feel safe . Ben and Brent look at me and Mike say " kick out jermy ." And they nodded and left us . And me and Mike went to kitchen he make me sit in to the cabinet and he give me water and I kiss him . Yea I did it he was shocked and didn't kiss me back I was felling worried . Did he not like that . Oh my Gosh I just embarrassed my self . I get up from the sit and say " I am sorry for that. I thought it was the right time . I am sorry ." I said that and I was about to left but he hold my hand put me in closer to him and he put his hand in my waist and kiss me . It was so good I even fell for him more. When we go out from the kitchen he say " let's dance " I give him my hand the slow song was playing and we dance . I thought I was in Cinderella movie . I keep looking at my prince eyes you can fell he was happy . We stayed untill 6 and we left the house amie didn't left she was with clon they were together not in Ben house I left with Mike. Bytheway Mike is one years older than me . He say he stop learning for 1 year . It was the best day of my life .........

Hope you like it love k.s ❤️ 😍 💖 ❣️ 💕 💘 the longest part I guess . Took me 2 days because it delete my part

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