happy ever after

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When we were walking  . He say  " You know prom is around corner . And  do you wanna go with me ?"  I laughed and said," ohh  is this how you ask me out for prom." He smiles and says,"  What do you want."  I said," Do you remember  when the first time you lend to kiss me and when I said  ' you should at least ask me out?'' You stop the car, and you ask me out . You are such a prince ." He   put his hand in my waist .  And  say, " I  thought you like  prince  . " I was blushing  . And I punch  him hard and run he was chasing me .
After 2 days, I went   to my house because  the doctors said, I am fine. Honestly, I was okay the first day   , when I met  Mike."  He also came when I was about to leave  and I went home with his car .   We stopped for food because I was hungry. He got me cheese burgers and coke. I say, " ohh I was hungry. ' Take one bite. '  and say uhmm always taste good .   " He laughed  at me while I was eating  like crazy monster .  I look at him with a baby  look and kiss his cheek and say, "   I love you . And thank you, my babe ." He said," I like how you eat, my little  princess. " He said that, and I blushed and smiled a little  and said," I like it when you call me princess  ." It took me 15 minutes to eat    and we were talking  and I showed him what I want us to wear . He said, " Anything you want, princess. " ok, I am now  in love, and sure    he is my soul mate. We arrived at my home and I said Don't  forget  to pick me    up  tomorrow   ." He kissed me jently  and said, Call me when you feel like   calling, and we can talk I nodded   and left .  And I  went to my room. I was feeling   sleepy  so I went to my bed . When u woke   up, it was 9 pm. Oh, can I call him  and he call me, but I was in sleep  so  that means it count right.  Any way my phone vibrate and it was message from Mike, saying " call Mr when you woke up . Princess  and I bought you a dress  you like for prom . " I immediately call him and he pick up and say" did you get good sleep ?" I said " yes babe and the black dress  look cute and it goes with the toxido  that I order online  ." One thing I like our relationship is  we don't  act spoiled  but we spoil each other. And he say "ok .I will come and give you tomorrow  . And are you gonna come tomorrow  ?" Isaid " yes and you know I need notes from the day I have been missing. " then he say " ok , but you have to come with Brent tomorrow  . I have some work  to do.  " I said ok and we were. Talking for 2 hours and I  said " good night my king ." And he say " does that means  I have get your heart fully  ?" I said " ehem yes. And I need best date before prom ." He say " ok sweet heart  and sleep now ok good night I love you .Mucha " I said " ok good night . I love you so much . Bye see you at school  tomorrow. " and I hung up . I sleep and I wake up early  and  wake up Brent and ask him to  take me school   together  .and he say " what about your Mike? "I said " shut up and answer my question are you gonna take me school or not ?" He said " I love to but i have to pick up my girl ." I smirk and say" oh . But which one ?" Yeah  Brent is a player   kind. He say " you don't know this one . Now get out I have to sleep  I was not sleeping  well this week ." I left h8m and call amie she say   " I would love to but I have early date with clon . So he is gonna pick me up ." Ahh everybody have date . After getting ready  my dad call my name and   I went downstairs  and he was eating pancakes  . I said " yes daddy   " he said " good morning my baby how was your night ?"  Isaid " good. " while sitting  in the chair  infront him and he say " well I have to take you school  today because  of  there are rumors  about you and Mike date and since they don't you we   have  to let the paparazzi  take pictures  ." I said " okay now we have to make it real official with Mike right ?" And he nodded  and say " also Mike is also gonna come with his father  today and you guys have to hug when you meet and hold hands with him when you get to the school  ." I said "okay but I need 10 more minutes  ." He say " okay take your time honey. " And I went to my room. And we left after 15 minutes and  we go to my dad Rolls-Royce  and Mike dad also came with that car when   we arrive  at the gate Mike and his Dad also arrive  . At thus moment  I was wearing my Dior  jacket  and for real I  look like spoiled girl any way when my dad and my  door  also open when my dad go out from the car paparazzi  come and start shooting  . I go out and my dad hug me and say " thank you my girl .I know it's out of your  comfort zone. " I said " noproblem daddy  and  Mr Charlie  come he loom behind  him and I went to Mr Charlie first  and say " hello Mr Charlie. " and he wave at me. And I smile .and look at Mike and he open his hands to hug me and I hug him and say " good morning.''  And he didn't say nothing  . My dad say " kids get in. " we nodded and Mike hold my hand and we enter  the school  all school  student eye were in us . I said" let's get in class ." He said  " Marine  ." OH I think he is mad ." I said what babe ." He stare at me we Start talking in our eyes    . I can feel he was not okay with me getting known by internet  . I hold his hand and we went to library  and I said  " look you may not like me getting  attention  but I need that . I am the only girl  in our house  and my brother  want to be architect  and my dream is a business woman  so  when I start high school I was learning  marketing  and  I am graduated this month  thus I am a senior  and I have few months  until  I graduate  and take my dad spot ok so I need this  attention  . Ok and don't worry  " he nodded  I kiss his lips jently and said " I love you ." His face start brighting   .....
Prom day
It was almost the time  . My heart was pounding  and the best part is all of us are going together  ,in our mini van  . Isn't it  cute we choose  the mini van cause it have a lot memory   . Like our vacation,  me getting saved by that mini van . And the boys arrived.  And my eyes straight went to Mike, he was looking  gorgeous  .he come and say" you look like my future  women ." I smile at him and touch his face  and I kiss his  neck  and say " you look gorgeous  my king ." He was blushing  crazy , he hold my hand and we went to  the  hotel . This days paparazzi are everyplace  if me and mikeare there . And I  smile at them and we enter .prom was best .
" and that's  how I met your dad .my beautiful girl." Marine said that  .
" woahh mama   now I want  have high school story like this to tell my kid ." Wina said that means (  marine first daughter  .) Marine laugh and say " ok. My girl sleep now and wake up early. " wina nodded  and sleep .
Mike and marine  are now married  and they have 3 kids one daughter  and 2 boys who are twins. Marine.went to the picture of Mike and Marine wedding  picture .and Mike come and hug her from behind her . And say "amie give birth ." Marine look shocked and say" which gender ?" He say " girl and she say" finally  girl  . After 3 boys we have to go Tomorrow  ." He  nodded  and kiss me . ..


Hope you like it and it's the end I hope you like it and for my friends who read it for me to support me m7ch love for you . And its my first one .

WRITTEN BY: kalkidan sisay .

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