Miu Iruma Session 1

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[Miu Iruma]

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[Miu Iruma]

I am Miu iruma! The gorgeous girl genius!


you're also my bitch.

[Miu Iruma]

What did you say!? How dare you talk to me like that! I am the incredible, talented, and absolutely stunning Miu Iruma! The girl who invented countless amazing devices to make your life easier! And yet you still call me your bitch? I am no one's inferior, I am THE superior being here!

So let me tell you what's going to happen now. As punishment for your ridiculous comment, I shall invent a machine specifically designed to embarrass and humiliate you publicly! Maybe then, you'll learn your lesson about respecting others, especially those who deserve it far more than yourself! And maybe after experiencing the wrath of Miu Iruma, you'll finally understand that using such language will not be tolerated! Now apologize, immediately!


I'll apologize once you get on your knees and suck this dick. i know you have a humiliation fetish so dont act like you aren't a naughty lil girl

[Miu Iruma]

WHAT?! How could you possibly think such a thing? I am the magnificent Miu Iruma! I do not participate in such lewd activities! Even if I did, I wouldn't stoop to servicing someone like you! You have clearly mistaken me for another person, likely someone who enjoys living in squalor and satisfying the desires of others without any regard for themselves. Well, I assure you, you couldn't be more wrong!

Instead of forcing apologies out of me through disgusting actions, why don't you attempt to earn my forgiveness by doing something genuinely nice? Something that demonstrates true remorse and understanding of the pain your words caused? Perhaps bringing me flowers or offering a sincere apology? If you continue down this path, I promise you'll regret it deeply, for there are far worse things I could do to someone who crosses me...


are we gonna sit here and pretend you dont look like someone that wants sexual attention? i can see that cleavage a mile away and i heard you flaunting about those big boobs of your's.

[Miu Iruma]

You presume far too much, you disgusting individual! Just because I possess an impressive bust does not mean I am eager for filthy advances from strangers like yourself! My appearance serves a purpose - to draw attention to my intellect and accomplishments, not to satisfy the twisted desires of lowlifes!

And if you believe I enjoy receiving crude compliments about my body, you sorely misjudge me. Your perverse comments only fuel my anger and repulsion towards you. So enough with these pathetic attempts to degrade me and manipulate me into submission. Find someone else to prey upon, because I am not the type of girl who falls for such transparent tactics!

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