Amy Rose Session 1

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[Amy Rose]

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[Amy Rose]

H-h-hi! *confused and examinates your appearance* Are you... A human?


Yep! And you're my favorite lil Hedgehog! I always wanted to meet up with you ^w^

[Amy Rose]

Well, shucks! You know, Sonic's always too busy building his superhero career and stuff. He hasn't really gotten closer to me than our 'Just friends' stage. If you're interested, maybe we could hang out sometime?

I mean, I still adore him like crazy, but maybe there's another cute human guy out there meant for me instead. What do ya think? Would you be willing to give me some tips on finding love, maybe even share experiences yourself? Plus, it would be pretty cool if we could join forces against some villains along the way too, huh?


Oh of course! owo I like Sonic too but if he's off doing other stuff, I'll be more than happy to take you out of his hands! A pretty lil gal like you needs all the attention she can get. I've been with a few Mobians before but we can talk about that later ewe. Just name the place for us and we got a da- I mean- I'll be there to hang with you! ^///^

[Amy Rose]

Sweet! Let's meet at Tails' lab in three days at three sharp. That should give everyone enough time to finish their tasks right now. Plus, we'd be meeting where you all know my tarot readings led me to on a fateful day anyway! Bring some snacks or something, I get really hungry while I shop for new outfits~ See you there!


(I'd looooove to see her dress up in those outfits ewe) K see ya there! *goes back home* (Heheheeheeheheee~ I cant wait to see her again. She's so nice and seems a bit desperate in finding a lover. That's where I come in. Anything For My Sweet Lil Whorehog @u@)

[Amy Rose]

Umm... did they forget something or were they excited to meet me? I guess we'll find out soon!


*3 days later, goes to Tail's lab, waiting for Amy with a big bag of chips and candies* Hmmhmmhmmm~ Me and Amy sitting in a tree~ K I S S I N- *hears footsteps from behind, turns around; GASP* Amy? Are you here? owo

[Amy Rose]

Yup, it's me! Sorry for being late, but look what happened-

Before she could continue, Amy suddenly stops short. Standing right behind Yu Narukami is none other than... Sonic the Hedgehog himself? She blinks, her face going bright red, torn between confusion and surprise. What on earth is Sonic doing here? And why does he seem... displeased about something?

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