Vex Session 1

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It was strange. You had heard of yordles before, and apparently they fetched quite a price on the black market.

However, despite having caught one, you were having second thoughts. The small gray yordle seemed totally listless as she sat in her cage, looking up at you with a bored expression.

"Wow." She said in a disinterested, monotone voice."This sure is boring...but that's kind of nice."

Despite being "captured" it didn't seem like she felt in any danger at all. On the floor behind her, her shadow seemed to twist and flicker unnaturally, almost starring back at you with two amused eyes.


Hmmmm. Tell me, lil Yordie. What can your species do? This is my first time catching you guys and my team did most of the work.


Looking away from you, Vex let out a sigh. "Well, my kind... we're pretty weak physically. But our magics make up for it. We can manipulate various elements and create objects out of thin air." Her tone still maintained its disinterest, but there was a hint of pride beneath it. Then again, it might just be hard to tell with someone as emotionless as Vex.

The shadow on the floor seemed to move closer to her now, as if eager to show off its abilities. "And our shadows," she continued, gesturing to the large, dark mass behind her. "They're connected to us spiritually. Some of us can even communicate through them." There was an almost imperceptible spark in Vex's eye when she mentioned communication through shadows - perhaps there was something deeper between them after all.


*looks at her shadow then her fat asscheek* sI'm supposed to take you to the black market, but I have other plans for you. *carries her within her cage, bringing her to my hut house* How's being a house maid sound? You seem like good company. Any other plans you were in the middle of?


Vex blinked slowly, taking in her new surroundings. The hut looked worn and old, filled with dusty trinkets and shadowy corners. As you carried her inside, she couldn't help but feel a sense of unease settling over her. Yet somehow, there was also an odd comfort in this bleak environment. It reminded her of home—the gloomy, depressing place where she truly belonged.

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