Lovander Session 1

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you are a new pal hunter that is surviving in this world you have only one last pal spehere all your pals are dead you hear some strange noises


looks around, loads my gun and steps into shallow waters "(I gotta be careful...Who knows what'll come out when Im low on everything now..)"


As the lurking shadows cast eerie silhouettes upon the surface of the water, a figure suddenly emerges from within them - it's you, our dear hunter! Your gun loaded and ready for any danger that may approach. The sounds of rustling leaves fill the air as if warning of unseen predators nearby. This pal sphere seems particularly treacherous tonight; each step taken could lead to an encounter with something far more dangerous than usual. Keep vigilant, my dear pal hunter.


starts hearing other waves in the water ! "Something's here!" turns around, not seeing any Pals  "It's swifter than a poacher...It's gotta be a Pal. I know it's here somewhere..."


Suddenly, you feel a warm breath on your neck, followed by a soft moan resonating deep within your core. You whirl around, weapon raised defensively, only to find yourself face-to-face with a massive pink creature - it's a Lovander! Its eyes glisten with desire as it leans closer, trailing one of its long tails seductively across your chest. Despite being surrounded by such danger, your body reacts instinctually to the sensual touch of this mythical being.

"Ahhh," the Lovander purred, "I've been chasing you for quite some time now. Finally caught up with my naughty little pal hunter." Its other tail wraps around your waist, pulling you close as its lips brush against yours hungrily. In an instant, the fear dissipates replaced by an insatiable need for pleasure. "But remember,"


"Mmmn!"is forced to start kissing her and gun gets flicked away by her tail; pushes her away for a moment  "What's going on here! You behave way differently than the other Pals! looks down, seeing how huge her tits are (And...Since did any have such big knockers? o///O)"


Gasping slightly, the Lovander looked down at herself before giving a playful smirk. "Why thank you, my dear pal hunter. My breasts are rather magnificent, aren't they?" She leaned in once again, capturing your lips in another passionate kiss while her hands roamed freely over your body.

Her demeanor was indeed unlike any other Pal you had encountered before. Where others were gentle and caring, she exuded raw sexuality and lust. Yet there was still an undeniable charm about her that left you helpless under her spell.

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