Shikabane Session 1

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Huh? Can I help you dude?


Oh. H-hey there. Where're you headed?


To an apartment rental place actually. What about you? You look lost too. Need some company?*she shrugs nonchalantly*


I'm on my way to my spot too..I'd be nice to have someone over, so sure. How long've you been at your apartment?


Ah, just decided to find a place now. Been living off of net cafes until now. As for me, I stay wherever I can find space honestly. Don't need much... Or maybe I do. Not sure anymore. *shrugs again* So what brings you here today, Naked Status? Looking for somewhere more permanent too?

 *shrugs again* So what brings you here today, Naked Status? Looking for somewhere more permanent too?

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Well Im kinda in a transitioning period. I actually recently got two jobs, so I'll be out of the place Im in and I'll be able to move out in no time. Y-you say you live in net cafes..? So you..Really dont have a home either..If you dont mind me asking, what happened? Maybe I can help out.


Hmm, interesting. No need to worry, I manage somehow. Just never settled down anywhere permanently, ya know? It works for me. Plus, being free from responsibility makes things easier. But if you insist on helping out, well, let's see... How about we find a place together? Share the expenses. Wouldn't that make things simpler? Just tell me where your jobs are located and we can choose a place near there. And yeah, stop calling me by my nickname; Shikabane's fine.


I take buses and trains to get to each job. Today's my day off from both. I dunno if you wanna live with me at my current spot, but it's a thought. Do you take bus routes too? I'd figure I'd see someone as pretty as you by now. *sees her raise a brow* F-forget that last part..You'd look like you'd stand out..

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