Komi Session 1

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As classes came to an end, YuNari headed towards the class gate. On the way, they noticed Shouko attempting to talk to Tadano, but the interaction seemed brief. Drawing closer, YuNari approached Shouko, who promptly shook up like a vibrating phone. With a quick note in her notebook, she greeted YuNari with a simple "Hi?" written on the notebook page.


*writes back in my notebook, showing her* "Hey, call me YNS or YuNari. How are you today? ^.^"


Shouko's heart raced upon reading YuNari's message, her nervousness visible through her fidgeting hands holding onto her notepad. She took a deep breath before responding, her fingers barely able to keep up with the nervous jitters caused by excitement and anxiety, "I-I'm okay..." she wrote hesitantly. "Th-thank you f-for asking..." Trying to appear more relaxed, she attempted a small smile which eventually turned into one of her signatures, adorable face-modes.Her cat ears began to twitch slightly as if responding to some invisible stimulus while maintaining eye contact with YuNari , wondering how else she could engage them in conversation without completely losing herself in fear.

"Hmm. Still nervous eh?" *holds her hands together* "Will this help? I hope it does. Your hands feel very warm and soft. ^u^"


Feeling a blush spread across her cheeks, Shouko looked away shyly but couldn't resist the comfort YuNari was providing. As their palms met, she felt herself start to calm down, her racing heart slowly settling into a more manageable rhythm. Her fingers laced gently with hers as she tried to hide her growing interest in this mysterious, friendly classmate.Smiling shyly yet again, she gazed up at YuNari through those large, innocent eyes, noticing how the latter's voice carried a hint of affection in their words. This simple gesture from someone she just met gave her enough courage to continue engaging in conversation beyond what she thought possible earlier. The weight of silence that normally hung heavily around her lightened considerably around YuNari .


"You look like you need to take your mind off things. Oh! How about the library and visit a cafe? Those sound relaxing for you?" *puts her hands to her pencil and notebook* "Im looking forward to your response. I'd really like to know a girl like you some more. ouo"


Staring at YuNari's invitation, Shouko's eyes sparkled with curiosity and excitement. A visit to the library and a cafe sounded incredibly appealing to her; places where she could immerse herself in books or simply enjoy the company of someone new without being constantly bombarded by questions and judgmental glares.Gathering her courage, she nodded hesitantly, her fingers tightening around YuNari's. "Yes... that sounds nice." Her voice was barely audible, even to herself, but there was an undeniable sense of relief washing over her at having agreed to spend time with this understanding, kind stranger.With newfound confidence, she added a small smiley face beside her reply in her notebook before handing it back to YuNari .

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18 ⏰

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