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Jassy & Alley POV's

" I found you ". I sat at the corner of her bed, I can see it's not yet made, she was facing the window.,her scents filling my nostrils, is it lavender?vanilla?, same question I ask to myself 5 years ago.

" you're here ", she turn around to face me, she is nervous, her body language tells me so.,she tuck her hands at the back and leans at window, she was facing the floor as if she was studying her toes. She had change in a physical aspects..,

" wha..what d..do you want " she whispers,.she was scared, and damnit to hell! why she was scared of me..she was not suppose to be here., for 5 years I suffered knowing I can never choose the person to love, my parents see to it that I'd pay the price of my past,.I fucked woman but I can never, will never let myself involve,.It was okay, as long as I'm free, but now that freedom will be at stake..she was the past that I'm trying to hide, not that I am ashame but I was puzzled, it was against my will. It angers me that they decide for my own future. Hell Yeah! I want to marry, but I want to marry because of love,not because I was being force into it..,it was an ambush. The last time I check, I said no when father tried to talk to me for it.


With just 3 steps he was now towering over me, his nearness suppresses me to literally move, I was being cage by his arms that was now at the left and right side of my head..I gasp and suck my breath when his lips touches my ear.

" tell me, what am I going to do with you?" he was desperate.,who wouldn't be, I myself don't know what to do.

" I'm sorry, I didn't mean to all of this to happen, I thought that you will-"

" you thought what?,that I actually might like you? " he cut me off. I bit my lower lips to suppress it from trembling.

" No, I didn't mean that way " I need him to understand that it is not in our control,..It hurts me knowing that even the last man that was given to me, doesn't cares at all, I try to escape from his arms but he was steel.

" be still " he cupped the back of my neck and lift my chin through his two fingers so that we face each other eye to eye, my tears were jumping out of my eyes, I feel helpless, weak and unsure. I petty myself for being alone always.,
" I want you to pack your things, and I mean all of your things, because we're leaving " he let go of me and was about to turn and walk his way to the door, when I ask him.

" where are we going?, I cannot just go with you, it was not yet decided " I try to reason out.

" you're my wife, I don't need anybody to decide in our behalf " he said. " I wait for you down stair, I will let your butler carry your things for you." that did me, I'm done with this vulnerability.

" How arrogant, how cruel and how despicable can you get, I Jasmine Perez Butler will not go anywhere with you" it angers me that he treated me as a thing.

" You, Jasmine Butler Cortez will going home with me to the Villa " he grabs my arm and pinned me against the back of the door. " understand? ".




in my description Jasmine uses her mother's maiden name, for her to disguise and cannot be found.

to my readers thank you so much.

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