Information about Ali

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Appearance: Tends to wear hoodies, has bangs that almost cover her eyes, wears thick glasses, and wears a black mask at all times.

Appearance: Tends to wear hoodies, has bangs that almost cover her eyes, wears thick glasses, and wears a black mask at all times

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(Pls ignore my drawing skill, I'm still improving)

Abilities/Powers: "In my own little world."  Allows her to become her OC's with their powers and appearance's, and adopting their personalities. The drawback is that for every time she becomes her OC she gets their trauma (And we all know that our OC's have way too much trauma)

Ability (?): Doves

Likes: Her OC's, Writing, Drawing, Reading, Being Alone, Playing Games, Pudding.

Dislikes:  People, Her Past, Liars.

OC's: Rufus, Iris, Eloqiu, Elijax, Henriche, Stelle, Shiro, Lilith, Luke. (There's probably more that I don't remember)

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